Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 4 Nov 2019
Ends 8 Nov 2019
Central European Time
Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Via Grignano, 9 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)

The  final version of the Gender Gap in Science Book can be found here:

An 8 pages booklet (english, french and spanish versions) containing the summary of the results of the project and the full list of its recommendations can be found here:

Final meeting of a collaborative project (2017-2019), funded by the International Council for Science, of eleven major scientific international unions and organizations: findings, discussions, conclusions and recommendations.

Reducing the gender gap is a major challenge for the whole scientific community, in developed as well as developing countries, and concerns everyone, men and women.
The project has concentrated its efforts on three main tasks: the Joint Global Survey with 30,000 respondents (male and female) in more than 130 countries using 8 languages, the Joint Study on Publication Patterns analyzing comprehensive metadata sources of publications of more than 500,000 scientists since 1970, a Database of Good Practices for girls and young women, parents, and organizations.


- Report on the findings and achievements of the three tasks of the  project, globally, by scientific discipline and by geographical zone
- Discuss and evaluate the results of the project.
- Formulate recommendations and discuss new initiatives.


S. BADALONI, University of Padova
J.-P. BOURGUIGNON, European Research Council
C. BOBAN, Diversity Working Group,Wikimedia Strategy 2030
A. BROOKS, UNESCO (retired)
T. K. CAMP, Colorado School of Mines
K. CLANCY, University of Illinois
M. GOOS, University of Limerick
R. IVIE, American Institute of Physics
G. LOZANO, University of Arizona
L. MERNER, American Institute of Physics
H. MIHALJEVIC, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
M. F. OUEDRAOGO, African Women in Mathematics Association
S. PONCE-DAWSON, Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires
M. RENTETZI ,National Technical University of Athens
L. SANTAMARIA, Independant Researcher
J. TIMS, Baldwin Wallace University
C. TOPAZ, Williams College

The talks of the conference that are video-recorded are available on the ICTP You Tube Channel at the following link.


A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.

**DEADLINE: 02/08/2019**
Marie-Francoise Roy (International Mathematical Union), Mei Hung Chiu (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), Igle Gledhill (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics), Local Organiser: Erika Coppola
International Mathematical Union (IMU)imu, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA)sissa3
Monica Ancuta, Monica Baschiera, Petra Krizmancic, Adriana Pinto


Marie-Francoise Roy (International Mathematical Union), Mei Hung Chiu (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), Igle Gledhill (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics), Local Organiser: Erika Coppola
