Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 23 Sep 2019
Ends 27 Sep 2019
Central European Time
Giambiagi Lecture Hall (AGH)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
Conditions for attending this School:
Selected candidates will be expected to actively engage in the programme by presenting a 20' minute talk (including discussion and questions) describing own or own group's research summarizing important or recent results on vitrification and vitreous wasteforms.
Alternatively, a poster with 5 minutes talk is acceptable. The title and abstract of your talk/poster shall be included in your application.
Participants are encouraged to set their work in the context of their own national waste management strategy including a brief overview of the types of waste intended to be vitrified in their country.


Nuclear waste management is a core issue for sustainable development and long-term viability of nuclear energy as energy supply. Glass is the overwhelming worldwide choice for the immobilisation of radioactive waste resulting from nuclear fuel reprocessing and other nuclear activities. The main goal of this School is the dissemination of knowledge on optimal methods of utilization of vitreous wasteforms for the immobilization of dangerous radionuclides. Another goal is transferring experience of vitrification technologies from leading centers and specialists to participants interested in this technology of waste immobilisation.

School Description

This School will assist experts from nuclear energy research, materials science and vitrification. The aim is to better understand and appreciate the wide range and full potential of glass science including technology tools, methods devoted to vitrification and properties of vitreous materials.  Participants should return from the School with a richer understanding of vitrification as an immobilisation technology and the range of techniques available to investigate nuclear glasses and glass composite materials.  This School will contribute to develop further international collaboration in the field of nuclear waste vitrification.

  • Fundamentals of nuclear waste immobilisation in vitreous materials and modelling of nuclear glass structures;
  • Technological approaches of nuclear waste vitrification;
  • Chemical durability of vitreous wasteforms and long term performance modelling;
  • Interaction of vitreous wastes repository with geological environments and modelling of aging processes;
  • Radiation damage effects in vitreous wasteforms (including modelling).

**DEADLINE: 17/06/2019**
Elise Regnier (Nuclear Research Division, CEA, Bagnols-sur-Ceze Cedex, France), Willie Meyer (IAEA, Vienna - Austria), Michael I. Ojovan (Imperial College London - UK), Local Organiser: Sandro Scandolo
Elizabeth Brancaccio


Elise Regnier (Nuclear Research Division, CEA, Bagnols-sur-Ceze Cedex, France), Willie Meyer (IAEA, Vienna - Austria), Michael I. Ojovan (Imperial College London - UK), Local Organiser: Sandro Scandolo