Scientific Calendar Event

Prof. Liliana Arrachea from the International Center for Advanced Studies, Universidad Nacional de San Martín in Argentina obtained her PhD from Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina in 1995. Following this, her research positions have included Alexander von Humboldt fellow at FU-Berlin and Max-Planck Institut, Germany, Postdoctoral researcher at SISSA, Trieste, and Ramón y Cajal Researcher at University of Zaragoza. She has been a Researcher of CONICET Argentina since 1999, an Associate Professor from University of Buenos Aires since 2007 (on leave since 2016), and Full Professor at University of San Martín, Argentina since 2016. In addition, Prof. Arrachea was appointed Guggenheim Fellow 2010, and Simons Associate at ICTP-Trieste since 2015,  and Georg-Forster Alexander-von-Humboldt Research Award 2016. Prof. Arrachea spends periods comprising several months at a time as Invited Professor at PUC-Rio de Janeiro, Université Paris 7, and Boston University.

Boosting the efficiency for the conversion of electrical and thermal energy at finite power is motivating an intense research activity, not only in the areas of material science and applied physics but also in experimental and theoretical areas of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. Efforts are concentrated in developing new materials and devices as well as on analyzing different operational conditions. In the latter direction, taking advantage of the quantum effects is one of the most interesting avenues. Nanoscale devices and topological materials provide an excellent scenario to explore these properties. In this talk, I will present a general overview on the field. I will also present some examples and discuss some fundamental theoretical aspects.

The talk will take place on 28 August 2019 at 16.30 in the Euler Lecture Hall @ ICTP.
Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome to attend.
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