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Participant reflections and where to next?


Location: Online -
Room: Online
Date: 30 Jun 14:05 - 15:00


Chairperson: Satheesh KRISHNAMURTHY (Open University, UK) In this session organisers, trainers and importantly trainees will discuss successes and challenges to be addressed in future capacity building efforts. Those inlucde this meeting (the SDSummerSchool) and regional meetings in Africa, Asia-Pacifif and Latin America. Speakers are invited to make a 5 min intervention to be followed by a free flowing conversation, led by the chair.

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 5 contributions out of 5
Building timetable...


Mark Howells (Loughborough University & Imperial College London), Carla Cannone (Loughborough University), Lucy Allington (Loughborough University), Local Organiser: Adrian Tompkins