Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 24 May 2021
Ends 28 May 2021
Central European Time
Online -
An ICTP Virtual Meeting

The Workshop is live-streamed on the ICTP YouTube Channel. The links for each session are available in the programme.

The purpose of the online workshop is to bring together scientists working on the characterization of electrochemical interfaces at the atomistic level, and developing characterization methods, to discuss developments, current challenges, and perspectives.

The workshop is dedicated to the characterization of electrochemical interfaces by means of advanced experimental and theoretical techniques.
The focus will be on the understanding at atomic level of interface structure and stability, charge dynamics and charge transfer, chemical adsorption and reactivity. Space will be devoted to advances in interface-sensitive characterization techniques. Consequences of the progress in the field will be discussed in the context of applications to catalysis, energy conversion and storage, and environmental remediation. 

  • Atomic structure of electrochemical interfaces 
  • Charge dynamics and charge transfer
  • Electrochemical reactions at interfaces
  • Interface-sensitive experimental techniques 
  • Computer simulations of electrochemical interfaces 

​A. BIEBERLE-HÜTTER, DIFFER, the Netherlands
K. CAMPEN, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
K. CHAN, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
J. CHENG, Xiamen University, China 
T. CUK, University of Colorado Boulder, USA  
J.R. DURRANT, Imperial College London, UK  
A. GROSS, University of Ulm, Germany  
J. LIBUDA, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany  
D. PRENDERGAST, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA  
R. SCHLÖGL, Fritz Haber Institute, Germany
M. SPRIK, University of Cambridge, UK 
P. STRASSER, TU Berlin, Germany  
M. TODOROVA, MPI for Iron Research, Germany  
F.M. TOMA, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
R. VAN DE KROL, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany

Registration: There is no registration fee.

**DEADLINE: 17/05/2021**
Simone Piccinin (CNR-IOM, Italy), Marialore Sulpizi (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany), Nicola Seriani (ICTP), Local Organiser: Ralph Gebauer
Monica Ancuta, Viktoriya Lvova, Adriana Pinto


Simone Piccinin (CNR-IOM, Italy), Marialore Sulpizi (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany), Nicola Seriani (ICTP), Local Organiser: Ralph Gebauer