Scientific Calendar Event

Description An ICTP Virtual School, 2nd edition

The aim of this online school is to sketch a roadmap of current exciting research directions in condensed matter and statistical physics. It will lead the students from basic notions to the open problems in each topic. The lectures will be held once a week, 4 weeks in a row in May and June 2021, each week a new subject.

Given the success of the first Hitchhiker's School in January 2021 (smr3589), we continue with the same format. The first series of lectures was dedicated to machine learning and had covered several different aspects of the application of machine learning in condensed matter physics.

In this second series, we focus on topological phenomena in condensed matter. What is topology? Does it explain the properties of some unconventional materials? Why is it important for future technologies?

The format of the lectures will be the following:
- 1h of basic notions relevant for the subject, including Questions and Answers session.
- 15 min break
- 1h of colloquia style lecture, that will start with the basics and bring the student to the set of open problems in the topic.

B.A. BERNEVIG, Princeton, USA
C. CASTELNOVO, Cambridge, UK
C. CHAMON, Boston, USA
Y. GEFEN, Weizmann, Israel

Registration: There is no registration fee.
Go to day
  • Thursday, 6 May 2021
    • 14:00 - 16:30
      • 14:00 Welcome remarks by the Organisers 15'
      • 14:15 Topological materials: from quantum chemistry to mathematics 1h0'
        Speaker: Andrei BERNEVIG (Princeton University, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 15:15 Break 15'
      • 15:30 Topological materials: new phases, no interacting and interacting predictions 1h0'
        Speaker: Andrei BERNEVIG (Princeton University, USA)
        Material: Video
  • Thursday, 13 May 2021
    • 14:00 - 16:15
      • 14:00 Topological phenomena in frustrated magnets (I) 1h0'
        Speaker: Claudio CASTELNOVO (Cambridge University, UK)
        Material: Slides Video
      • 15:00 Break 15'
      • 15:15 Topological phenomena in frustrated magnets (II) 1h0'
        Speaker: Claudio CASTELNOVO (Cambridge University, UK)
        Material: Video
  • Thursday, 20 May 2021
    • 14:00 - 16:15
      • 14:00 Physics on the Edge: interplay between transport, noise and topology (I) 1h0'
        Speaker: Yuval GEFEN (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
        Material: Video
      • 15:00 Break 15'
      • 15:15 Physics on the Edge: interplay between transport, noise and topology (II) 1h0'
        Speaker: Yuval GEFEN (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
        Material: Video
  • Thursday, 3 June 2021
    • 14:00 - 16:15
      • 14:00 Fracton Topological Order I 1h0'
        Speaker: Claudio CHAMON (Boston University, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 15:00 Break 15'
      • 15:15 Fracton Topological Order II 1h0'
        Speaker: Claudio CHAMON (Boston University, USA)
        Material: Video