Strongly Correlated Matter: from Quantum Criticality to Flat Bands | (smr 3732)
Starts 22 Aug 2022
Ends 2 Sep 2022
Central European Time
Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Adriatico Guest House
Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta, Grignano
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
An ICTP Hybrid Meeting
Joint Conference ICTP - William I. Fine Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Minnesota
This hybrid activity brings together junior and senior researchers to discuss latest developments in correlated and flat-band electron systems. To bring junior participants up to speed, two full days are reserved for tutorials. The rest of the program is a combination of invited talks, poster sessions, and group discussions on topics suggested by participants.
Correlated phases in Moire systems
Transport in strange and bad metals
Superconducting pairing in quantum-critical and low carrier density systems
Topological superconductors
Topological orders in correlated materials
Pair-density waves and other new orders in high-temperature superconductors
Frustrated quantum magnets
E. ANDREI, Rutgers University
N. ANDREI, Rutgers University
L. BASCONES, Material Science Institute of Madrid
L. BENFATTO, Sapienza University of Rome
E. BERG, Weizmann Institute
A. BERNEVIG, Princeton University
G. BLUMBERG, Rutgers University
J. CHALKER, Oxford University
P. CHANDRA, Rutgers University
D. CHOWDHURY, Cornell University
A. CHUDNOVSKIY, Universität Hamburg
C. CHUNG, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
L. CLASSEN, Max Planck Institute
D. EFETOV, The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology
V. FAL’KO, University of Manchester
L. FU, Massachusettes Institute of Technology
L. GLAZMAN, Yale University
M. GRILLI, University of Rome “Sapienza”
F. GROSCHE, University of Cambridge
F. GUINEA, University of Manchester
S. HARTNOLL, Cambridge University
A. KAPITULNIK, Stanford University
Y. KIM, University of Toronto
D. KISELIOV, Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
A. KLEIN, Ariel University
A. LEVCHENKO, University of Wisconsin-Madison
L. LEVITOV, Massachusettes Institute of Technology
A. MACKENZIE, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
P. MELLADO, University of Adolfo Ibanez
M. METLITSKI, Massachusettes Institute of Technology
J. MEYER, University of Grenoble Alpes
R. MOESSNER, Max Planck Institute-PKS
A. PATEL, University of California
N. PERKINS, University of Minnesota
N. PROKOFIEV, University of Massachusetts
S. RAGHU, Stanford University
J. SCHMALIAN, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
O. STARYKH, University of Utah
Y. SOH, Paul Scherrer Institute
D. T. SON, University of Chicago
A. TSVELIK, Brookhaven National Laboratory
A. VARLAMOV, University of Rome Tor Vergata
C. VARMA, University of California
A. YAZDANI, Princeton University
E. ZELDOV, Weizmann Institute
Participants are encouraged to submit poster abstract. A number of posters abstracts will be selected for poster session. During the application please make sure to use our templates to format your abstract in PDFs. Templates are available below for download.
Accepted participants will be able to attend in remote or — strictly following Italian sanitary rules as they will be applicable at the time of the conference, and depending on the very limited number of available places — in person.
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
Note: the deadline on 30 June 2022 is for applications needing financial support and/or visa and on 14 August 2022 for online applications.
**DEADLINE: 14/08/2022**
Andrey Chubukov (University of Minnesota), Piers Coleman (Rutgers University), Alex Kamenev (University of Minnesota), Hae-Young Kee (University of Toronto), Dmitrii Maslov (University of Florida), Tigran Sedrakyan (University of Massachusetts), Hidenori Takagi (MPI, Stuttgart), Oskar Vafek (Florida State University), Local Organiser: Rosario Fazio (ICTP)
International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Developmentiybssd, Institute for Complex Adaptive Mattericam, The William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute (FTPI)ftpi, Simons Foundationsimons
Andrey Chubukov (University of Minnesota), Piers Coleman (Rutgers University), Alex Kamenev (University of Minnesota), Hae-Young Kee (University of Toronto), Dmitrii Maslov (University of Florida), Tigran Sedrakyan (University of Massachusetts), Hidenori Takagi (MPI, Stuttgart), Oskar Vafek (Florida State University), Local Organiser: Rosario Fazio (ICTP)