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An ICTP-IAEA Hybrid Meeting Modern analytical methods are being developed very rapidly and in the synergistic cluster of Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) methods. These techniques have proven to be extremely powerful spectroscopic tools, often providing complementary information on the structure and composition of materials.
The workshop will provide an advanced training and information exchange platform both for early-stage and experienced researchers actively working in the field. Recent advancements in accelerator technology and detection systems, novel applications and combinations of analysis tools as well as software developments and artificial intelligence for IBA will be covered. Beside theoretical lectures, practical sessions on advanced data evaluation with GUPIX, SIMNRA, Multi-SIMNRA and WINDF will be included.
With the increasing demand to respond to the economic and societal challenges; the workshop will have a dedicated part on creative thinking, networking, research infrastructures and strategies for efficient operation and upgrade of accelerator facilities.
The participants will have an opportunity to present and discuss their results in a poster session. Visit of Sincrotrone Elettra will be involved.
I. CAMPBELL, University of Guelph, Canada
J. COLAUX, University of Namur, Belgium
T.F. DA SILVA, University of São Paulo, Brazil L. GIUNTINI, University of Florence, Italy
A. LOMBARDI, CERN, Switzerland
M. MAYER, Max-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysik, Germany
T. OSIPOWITZ, National University of Singapore, Singapore
F. ZANINI, Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy
Pre-requisites: As a prerequisite to be eligible for the selection process, all applicants are asked to submit poster abstract. During the application please make sure to use our templates to format your abstract in PDFs. Templates are available below for download.
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.