Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 30 May 2022 16:00
Ends 30 May 2022 17:30
Central European Time
Leonardo Building - Budinich Lecture Hall
Strada Costiera 11 34151 Trieste Italy
Carolina Vera is Full Professor at the School of Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Principal Researcher of Argentina National Council of Sciences (CONICET). She has been the Director of the Argentinean-French Institute for Climate Studies and its impacts, jointly sponsored by UBA, CONICET, of Argentina and "Centre national de la recherche scientifique" (CNRS), Deputy Dean of the School of Sciences of UBA and Director of the Center for Atmosphere and Ocean Research (CIMA)/ UBA- CONICET. Between December 2019 and September 2021, she was Chief staff of the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Argentina.

Dr. Vera has long research experience on understanding, simulating and predicting climate variability and change and its impact on socioeconomic sectors, like agriculture. She coordinated many recognized international research projects and programs related with climate variability and change. She has authored several peer-reviewed scientific journal articles and book chapters. She was awarded by the American Meteorological Society with the “Cleveland Abbe” Award, "For unselfish devotion to advancing and communicating climate science to decision makers and stakeholders in South America and across the world". She is currently Vice-Chair of WG1Bureau of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change). She was Coordinator of “Pampa Azul: the Interministerial initiative of Argentina for Ocean Sciences” and Coordinator of the report on the physical basis of climate change for the 3rd national communication of Climate Change of Argentina. She has served in International Panels like the Scientific Advisory Panel of the World Meteorological Organization, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change (IAI), Future Earth Science Committee, World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Joint Scientific Committee, Independent Science Panel of the Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Scientific Committee of the Transformation to Sustainability Program of International Social Science Council (ISSC), and the Committee of the American Meteorological Society for Meteorology and Oceanography of the Southern Hemisphere.

Variability in regional climate arises from natural and anthropogenic forcings, internal variability including the local expression of large-scale remote drivers, and the feedbacks between them. Due to the many possible drivers of variability and change, quantifying the interplay between internal variability and any externally forced component is crucial in attempts to attribute causes of regional climate changes and to increase the confidence on future regional climate change information. I will first briefly introduce the sources of regional variability that can be grouped in forcings controlling regional climate and the internal drivers of regional climate variability. I will discuss ways of managing uncertainties in regional climate change information and how to identify the physical causes of past and future regional climate change. I will then present a regional climate change attribution study of precipitation trend in a specific region and discuss the robustness and emergence of anthropogenic signal in future regional climate change. I will end by presenting the storylines methodology as a way of constructing regional climate information providing a set of physically coherent descriptions of plausible future changes at regional scales.

The Colloquium will be online and in the Budinich Lecture Hall for those present on the ICTP Campus. All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served after the event.

Zoom registration for this Colloquium is as follows: