RESEARCH WORKSHOP ON: " SELF-ORGANIZED CRITICALITY AND PHASE TRANSITIONS IN DRIVEN SYSTEMS " 1 - 4 March 2000 (Miramare - Trieste, Italy) DIRECTORS: D. Dhar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai - India) A. Stella (Università degli Studi di Padova - Italy) A. Vespignani (The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste - Italy) The Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste - Italy, is organizing the Research Workshop on: "Self-Organized Criticality and Phase Transitions in Driven Systems" to be held at the ICTP from 1 to 4 March 2000. This activity will be directed by: Deepak Dhar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai - India), Attilio Stella (Università di Padova - Italy) and Alessandro Vespignani (The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste - Italy). Self-organized criticality was proposed about twelve years ago as a conceptual framework for understanding the ubiquity of long-ranged spatio-temporal correlations observed in many natural systems. The simplicity and elegance of this idea generated a lot of interest and many attempts at modelling specific phenomena such as sandpiles, earthquakes, punctuated equilibrium in evolution, etc. The theoretical interest also generated renewed activity in the experimental study of granular media, and of burst-like relaxation in slowly driven systems in general. Although the success of self-organized criticality ideas as a realistic explanation of the actual systems has remained very controversial, they have spread rapidly also to other fields such as geophysics, biology and economics. The object of this Research Workshop is to bring together the leading researchers actively working in the field of self-organized criticality and avalanche critical phenomena in order to discuss the most recent developments and research directions. The topics of this workshop are: - SELF-ORGANIZED CRITICALITY - AVALANCHE DYNAMICS - NONEQUILIBRIUM CRITICAL PHASE TRANSITIONS - EXTREMAL DYNAMICS MODELS Scientists and physicists from all countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA can attend the Workshop. The main purpose of the Centre is to help research workers from developing countries, within a framework of international cooperation. However, scientists from developed countries are most welcome to attend. The working language of the Workshop will be English. A limited number of 30 candidates will be selected by the Organizers. As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants are borne by the home institutions. However, some funds may become available which permit the Centre to grant a subsistence allowance to a limited number of people from developing countries who will be selected by the Organizers. As scarcity of funds allows travel to be granted only in few exceptional cases, every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fares (or at least partial fare) from their home country. Scientists from developed countries are welcome to join but at their own cost. There is no registration fee for attending the Workshop. The closing date for receipt of requests for participation is 10 January 2000. The completed request for participation form, printed separately (also obtainable via e-mail: by typing on the subject line: get index), should be sent by post or fax to : The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Research Workshop on: "Self-Organized Criticality & Phase Transitions" Strada Costiera 11 34014 Trieste, Italy Telephone: +39-040-2240111 Telex: 460392 ICTP I Telefax: +39-040-224163 E-mail \\\|/// | ~ ~ | (- 0 0 -) +-----------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo---------------+ | | | | | RESEARCH WORKSHOP ON: | | "SELF-ORGANIZED CRITICALITY AND | | PHASE TRANSITIONS IN DRIVEN SYSTEMS" | | ( 1 - 4 March 2000) | | Ref. no.: smr.1254 | | | | at: | | the Abdus Salam International Centre for | | Theoretical Physics | | Strada Costiera 11 | | 34100 Trieste , Italy | | | |VENUE: ICTP Main Building | | | | Oooo. | +--------------.oooO-----( )-----------------+ ( ) ) / \ ( (_/ \_)