Third International Conference on


7 - 11 May 2001

Miramare-Trieste, Italy

in co-operation with the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)

Dear Contributor,

As you know, the Conference Proceedings will be published by Elsevier (Nuclear Physics A).


Kindly note that both LaTex and PostScript files of your contribution should be sent

 by 30 June 2001

to all three editors:

Prof. Sigfrido Boffi

Prof. Claudio Ciofi degli Atti

Prof. Mauro M. Giannini


who will be checking the papers from 30 June until 10 July.

 Plenary Talks: maximum 8 pages

Contributions : maximum 4 pages

 Papers received after 30 June will not be included in the Proceedings.

Stylefiles are available at the following site:

The stylefile to be chosen is
one column CRC (under CRC articles



The author will be asked to re-submit his/her paper (or parts thereof) when the following discrepancies are noted:

Bad grammar and/or spelling

Wrong width/length of text: the text width/length, especially that of justified text as printed out from a word-processor, should be as stated in the instructions; the author will be asked to re-submit if the correct width/length has not been utilised.

Bad quality figures

Photographs: should be originals (glossy prints); not screened or photocopied versions. All photographs will be reproduced in black/white.

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