Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology including an introduction to Ecological Economics 28 February - 24 March 2000 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, is organizing the "Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology that will emphasize ecological areas of application such as local, regional and global ecological assessment, conservation ecology, epidemiology and ecological economics", from 28 February - 24 March 2000. The Course will be directed by Professors G. A. Canziani (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires at Tandil, Argentina), P. Dasgupta (Cambridge University, England), L. J. Gross and T. G. Hallam (University of Tennessee, U.S.A.), and S. A. Levin (Princeton University, U.S.A.). PURPOSE AND NATURE The aim of the Course is to survey the mathematics currently being applied to problems in the ecological, environmental and economical sciences. The mathematical methods and general techniques of systems science that have been of value in addressing both practical and theoretical problems in ecology will be stressed. The Course will be divided into four parts, each lasting approximately one week. Each part will include lectures on the foundations of the subject. Each lecture series will introduce the non-specialist to the basic problems and techniques of an area of mathematical ecology. Concurrent with these will be lectures and workshop groups dealing with particular applications. Participants are expected to have a mathematical background at least equivalent to a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics or Statistics, as well as some background or expressed interest in biology. Individuals with more limited mathematical training, but more extensive biological training (e.g. background at least equivalent to a M.Sc. in Ecology) or more extensive economics training (e.g. background at least equivalent to a M.Sc. in Economics) are also welcome to apply. Topics to be discussed will include: I. FUNDAMENTALS AND RISK ASSESSMENT A. ECOLOGY OF POPULATIONS (mathematical models of populations; spatially homogeneous and heterogeneous environments; age and stage structure) B. ECOLOGY OF COMMUNITIES (multi-species models and theories of competition, cooperation, and predation; food webs) C. ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT (ecotoxicology models; aquatic community models, individual-based models; environmental quality) II. CONSERVATION ECOLOGY AND REGIONAL ASSESSMENT A. CONSERVATION ECOLOGY (demographic models; macropopulation models; population viability analysis) B. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (agriculture, fisheries and forestry; bioeconomics; human demography; pest control) C. REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS (multimodeling; dealing with multiple scales; GIS and dynamic models) III. GLOBAL ECOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY A. EPIDEMIOLOGY (models for microparasite and macroparasite infections; AIDS modelling; host-parasite systems) B. GLOBAL ECOLOGY (ecosystem-level phenomena; nutrient cycling; greenhouse effects) IV. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS, FOUNDATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (micro- and macro-economic approaches; assessing ecosystem services) Techniques and concepts will be employed from both continuous and discrete mathematics, but the primary tools will be from the subjects of ordinary, partial and stochastic differential equations, difference equations, linear algebra, control and game theory, and stochastic processes. The first three units of the Course will emphasize recent developments in mathematical ecology and include seminars on topics included in the above list. In addition, workshop groups will meet to deal with areas of special interest to developing countries. The fourth unit will include the human dimension in the ecological system, with its complicated interactions. PARTICIPATION The Course is intended for mathematicians, ecologists, environmental engineers, biologists, epidemiologists, economists and agricultural scientists. Scientists and students from all countries that are members of the UN, UNESCO, or IAEA may attend. The main purpose of the ICTP is to help research workers from developing countries. However, students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries are also welcome to attend the activity. As the Course will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of that language. As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be covered by the home institutions. However, limited funds are available for some research workers from developing countries. As scarcity of funds allows travel to be granted only in a few exceptional cases, every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fares (or at least half-fare) from their home country. It is stressed that participants whose travel expenses are paid by the ICTP are required to attend the entire Course. There is no registration fee for attending the Course. The closing date for requesting participation is: 10 January 2000 Participants requesting financial support: 25 October 1999. Participants not requesting financial support: 10 January 2000. Those wishing to participate should complete and return the request for participation form, to be found at the back of Bulletin No. 1, (also obtainable via e-mail:, by typing on the subject line: get index, or via WWW server:, before 25 October 1999 to the following address: the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology C/- Ms. G. De Meo Strada Costieria 11, I-34014 Trieste, Italy ________________________________________________________________________________ UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION and INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS Strada Costiera 11 Telephone: +39-040-2240111 I-34014 Trieste Telex: 460392 ICTP I Italy Telefax: +39-040-224163 REQUEST FOR PARTICIPATION Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology including an introduction to Ecological Economics 28 February - 24 March 2000 E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS Each question must be answered clearly and completely. A recent photograph of Type or print in ink. If more space is required, the candidate must be attach additional pages. This form should be forwarded attached here, signed to the: Abdus Salam International Centre for legibly on the reverse. Theoretical Physics, Fifth Course on Mathematical Ecology, Strada Costiera 11, I-34100 Trieste, Italy, to arrive no later than 25 October 1999. NOTE: This request will be processed only if the permanent address (and present address, if different) is clearly indicated. The ICTP cannot process any visa request, unless all requested personal data are provided. =============================================================================== P E R S O N A L D A T A _______________________________________________________________________________ For women only (if applicable) SURNAME: MAIDEN NAME: First name: Middle name(s): Sex: _______________________________________________________________________________ Passport Name. (Please complete this section, if your name is spelt differently to the above on your passport For women only (if applicable) SURNAME: MAIDEN NAME: First name: Middle name(s): Sex: _______________________________________________________________________________ Place of birth (City and Country): Present nationality: Date of birth: Year - Month - Day _______________________________________________________________________________ Full address of permanent Institution: Institute: Tel. No. Telex/Cable Telefax Your Office: Tel. No. Telefax E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ Full address of present Institution (if different from permanent): Institute: Tel. No. Telex/Cable Telefax Your Office: Tel. No. Telefax: until (date): E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ Home address: Tel. No. _______________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address - please indicate whether: Permanent address _____ Present address _____ or Home _____ _______________________________________________________________________________ Name and address of person to notify in case of emergency - Relationship: _______________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION (higher degrees) University or equivalent Years attended Degrees Name and place From To ________________________________________________________________________________ Seminars, summer schools, conferences or research Name and place Year ________________________________________________________________________________ SCIENTIFIC EMPLOYMENT AND ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITY Research Institution or University Period of duty Academic Name and place From To responsibilities Present employment and duties and foreseen employment upon return to home country after the activity: ________________________________________________________________________________ Have you participated in past ICTP activities: Yes _____ No _____ If yes, which? Mention briefly your previous research experience, and explain your reasons for wishing to participate in this activity: NB: Our Scientific Information System keeps track of all applications made by the candidate to earlier ICTP activities. As a consequence, when the subject of the present activity is far from his/her previous applications, an explanation (not more than 200 words) of his/her change of interest should be included. _______________________________________________________________________________ Kindly supply (strictly within indicated lengths) a keyword description of your current scientific activities as follows: 1) Area of research (e.g. Ecology) |___________________________________________| (no more that 15 characters) 2) Specific topic of interest (e.g. Mathematical Ecology) |_________________________________________________________| (no more than 30 characters) ________________________________________________________________________________ Present field of interest (please indicate on the list below - up to 5 fields - underlining primary field) 10. PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER 60. PHYSICS TEACHING 11. Solid State Physics 61. English 12. Atomic and Molecular Physics 62. French 13. Materials Science 63. Spanish 14. Surfaces and Interfaces 64. Arab 15. Statistical Physics 16. Computational Physics in Condensed Matter 80. MISCELLANEOUS 20. PHYSICS OF HIGH AND 81. Others INTERMEDIATE ENERGIES 82. Digital Communications and Computer Networking 21. High Energy and Particle Physics 22. Relativity, Cosmology & Astrophysics 90. PHYSICS OF THE LIVING STATE 23. Plasma Physics 24 Nuclear Physics 91. Neurophysics 92. Biophysics 30. MATHEMATICS 93. Medical Physics 31. Applicable Mathematics including: AO. APPLIED PHYSICS - Mathematical Ecology, - System Analysis, A1. Physics in Industry - Mathematical Economy A2. Microelectronics - Mathematics in Industry A3. Fibre Optics for 33 Algebra Communications 34. Geometry A4. Instrumentation 35. Topology A5. Synchrotron Radiation 36. Differential Equations A6. Non-destructive Evaluation 37. Analysis A7. Lasers 38. Mathematical Physics AA. Applied Superconductivity B1. SPACE PHYSICS 40. PHYSICS AND ENERGY 41. Physics of Nuclear Reactors 42. Physics of Controlled Fusion 43. Non-Conventional Energy (Solar, Wind and others) 50. PHYSICS OF THE ENVIRONMENT 51. Solid Earth Geophysics 52. Soil Physics 53. Climatology and Meteorology 54. Physics of the Oceans 55. Physics of Desertification 56. Physics of the Atmosphere, Troposphere Magnetosphere, Aeronomy 57. Environmental Monitoring and Remote Sensing List your scientific publications including books and articles (authors, title, Journal) in the period 1992-1999: ________________________________________________________________________________ Kindly state any positions you hold in the scientific administration of your Institution or any of the national scientific Institutions. If appropriate, especially for junior physicists, it would be of assistance to the Selection Committee if this request for participation were accompanied by a letter of recommendation. ________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate below your proficiency in the English language Indicate below your proficiency in the English language Reading: Good _____ Writing: Good _____ Speaking: Good _____ Average _____ Average _____ Average _____ Poor _____ Poor _____ Poor _____ _______________________________________________________________________________ APPLICABLE ONLY FOR CANDIDATES FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (Important: Please note that very few travel grants are available, and preference in selecting participants will be given to eligible candidates who can guarantee travel coverage by own local sources). Please tick as appropriate: - I can definitely find complete travel funds from local sources _____ or - I can definitely find half my travel funds from local sources _____ I am requesting financial support from the ICTP for: - Half travel ____ - Full travel ____ - Living allowance ____ I am NOT requesting financial support from the ICTP _____ I certify that if granted funds for my travel I will attend the whole activity Signature ............................ ________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the statements made by me above are true and complete. If accepted, I undertake to refrain from engaging in any political or other activities which would reflect unfavourably on the international status of the Centre. I understand that any breach of this undertaking may result in the termination of the arrangements relating to my visit at the Centre. _________________________________________ ______________________________ Signature of candidate Date