Workshop on NUCLEAR REACTION DATA AND NUCLEAR REACTORS: Physics, Design and Safety 13 March - 14 April 2000 Miramare - Trieste, Italy The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, Vienna - Austria), in co-operation with the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste - Italy), and the Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente (ENEA, Rome - Italy), is organising a "Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors: Physics, Design and Safety", to be held at the ICTP in Trieste from 13 March to 14 April 2000. The Workshop will be directed by Professors: A. Gandini (University of Rome and ENEA), A. Koning (Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group, Petten - Netherlands), J. Kupitz (IAEA, Vienna), P. Oblozinsky (IAEA, Vienna) and A. Trkov (Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana - Slovenia). The local organiser is Professor N. Paver (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and ICTP Trieste). BACKGROUND ^^^^^^^^^^ The Workshop represents a unique forum, worldwide, where scientists and engineers can get extensive and up-to-date information on the whole 'know-how' behind nuclear reactor calculations down to the physics of nuclear reactions. The scope and format of the Workshop follow a successful pattern established by the previous activities in 1996 and 1998. This type of training is of specific importance in the era of decreasing support to nuclear reactor activities, with an unfortunate consequence of vanishing expertise and infrastructure. Nuclear energy has important economical and environmental implications. It has proved to be a technically and economically viable source of electricity, playing a significant role in meeting energy demands of many countries, while at the same time helping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other forms of air pollution. At present, there are about 800 nuclear power and research reactors operative, constructed or planned in 70 countries, including developing countries. These facilities and related activities require a wide spectrum of scientific and technical personnel. Expertise is needed in physics of nuclear reactions and particle transport, in use and handling of nuclear data, as well as in all engineering and safety principles needed to make nuclear reactors a fully viable and economic source of energy, meeting the highest safety and environmental standards. In addition, new demands are emerging from 21-st century technologies such as transmutation of nuclear waste using accelerator driven systems. OBJECTIVE ^^^^^^^^^ The objective of the Workshop is to train scientists and engineers from both developing and developed countries in modern nuclear reaction theory, nuclear data production and data use, with particular emphasis on applications in nuclear reactor physics, design and safety. The participants will be familiarised with the practical use of modern computer codes relevant to these topics. Furthermore, they will become familiar with the rapidly advancing information technology for retrieval of nuclear data, as well as the new trends in advanced nuclear systems for energy generation. PROGRAMME ^^^^^^^^^ The Workshop will be structured on the basis of 5 working days a week. The theoretical lectures will be held in the mornings, while afternoons will be mostly dedicated to computer exercises. The programme of the Workshop will include: Week 1: Reactions I - Physics of nuclear fission - Analysis of neutron resonances - Direct reactions and optical model Week 2: Reactions II - Statistical theory of nuclear reactions - Pre-equilibrium models (multistep processes) - Evaluation of nuclear reaction data Week 3: Processing - On-line nuclear data retrieval - Nuclear data formatting and processing - Application of nuclear data for reactor calculations Week 4: Reactors I - Advanced nuclear systems for energy generation - Nuclear power in the 21-st century - Research reactors Week 5: Reactors II - Power reactor design and safety - Power reactor operation - Performance analysis Time will be given to presentation of selected papers by the participants. Lectures are expected to be published in the proceedings. PARTICIPATION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Scientists and engineers from all countries that are members of the UN, UNESCO or IAEA may attend the Workshop. They should hold a university degree in nuclear physics, nuclear engineering or related subjects and preferably have several years of professional experience in one of the main topics of the Workshop (nuclear reactions, nuclear data processing, nuclear reactor physics). As this activity will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of the language. The main purpose of the Centre is to help scientists from developing countries; however, graduate students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries should also benefit from attending the Workshop and are encouraged to apply for participation. As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be covered by the home institutions. However, limited funds are available for some scientists from developing countries who will beselected by the organisers. Scarcity of funds allows travel to be granted only in a few exceptional cases. Therefore, every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fares (or at least half-fare) from their home country. It is stressed that participants whose travel expenses are paid by ICTP are required to attend the entire course. The closing date for receipt of requests for participation is 31 October 1999. There is no registration fee for attending the Workshop. Information on the Workshop can be found on the Web server of the ICTP, and of the IAEA Nuclear Data Service, Candidates should complete and sign the "Request for Participation" form obtainable via e-mail and by using as subject line "get Announcement", or via the Web server and post it to: the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors (c/- Ms. E. Brancaccio) Strada Costiera 11 I-34014 Trieste Italy