smr 1273 WORKSHOP on PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF PLASMAS 12 - 14 October, 2000 Miramare, Trieste, Italy The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) will organize, in collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics and Industrial Applications of Plasmas, to be held in Trieste from 12 to 14 October 2000. The Workshop will be directed by Professors Alan Wootton (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA), Vladimir Gribkov (Lebedev Institute, Russia) and Reza Amrollahi (K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran), in consultation with Professor Thomas Dolan (IAEA, Austria). Purpose and nature ------------------ This topical Workshop is intended to focus on the exchange of ideas and experiences to promote cooperation and collaboration between the largest established programmes, and smaller programmes, specifically those from the developing countries. The objectives are to review and discuss: 1) various plasma diagnostic techniques; 2) how to develop plasma diagnostic instruments; 3) industrial applications of plasmas and plasma diagnostics; with emphasis on small plasma R&D programmes, especially in developing countries. Programme ---------- The Workshop will consist of oral presentations, including reviews of relevant work from individual groups, discussion sessions concentrating on future directions, and discussion sessions to consider possible collaborative programmes. The tone of the Workshop will be informal and participation limited, to promote discussion and exchange of ideas and experiences. Participation ------------- The Workshop is intended for groups and individuals from developing nations involved in either plasma diagnostics or industrial applications of plasmas. It is open to scientists from all countries that are members of the UN, UNESCO, or the IAEA. Although the main purpose of ICTP is to help research workers from developing countries, graduate students and post doctoral scientists from developed countries will also be considered. As the Workshop will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of that language. Participation is limited. As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be borne by the home institution. However, limited funds are available for some people to travel from developing countries, to be selected by the Organizers. As scarcity of funds allows travel to be granted only in a few exceptional cases, every effort should be made by applicants to secure support for their fares (or at least half-fare) from the home country. It is stressed that participants whose travel expenses are paid by the ICTP are required to attend the entire activity. There is no registration fee for attending the Workshop. The closing date for requesting participation is 15 JULY 2000. Candidates should complete the "request for participation" form (also available via e-mail at:, using as subject: get announcement, or via the WWW server, and returning it within the deadline indicated above to the following address: the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Workshop on Plasma Diagnostics (smr. 1273) Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy Telefax +39-040-224531 Telephone +39-040-2240305 E-mail ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop on PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF PLASMAS 12 - 14 OCTOBER 2000 E-mail address: WWW server: REQUEST FOR PARTICIPATION Please note that unless all requested personal data are provided, the ICTP cannot process any visa request. To be completed (typed or in block letters) and returned to: WORKSHOP ON PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF PLASMAS (SMR 1273) the Abdus Salam I.C.T.P., Strada Costiera 11, I -34014 Trieste, Italy BEFORE 15 JULY 2000. If sending an application by email, please save and send file in RTF FORMAT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SURNAME/FAMILY NAME: FIRST NAME(S): Nationality: Please also indicate SURNAME, NAME, on passport - if different from above: Sex: Date of birth: (year - month - day) Highest university degree: DEGREE obtained from (and year): Permanent Institution (full name & address): E-mail: * Telephone No. Telefax No. Telex No. Present Institution (full name & address) - if different from permanent: Until which date are you at this present Institute? E-mail: * Telephone No. Telefax No. Telex No. Mailing address - please indicate whether: Permanent ____ or Present ___ *I agree that my email address(es) may be made public on the ICTP WWW page: YES ______ NO ________ Please provide (as attachments, if the space provided is not sufficient): - Brief summary of your curriculum vitae: - Short resumé of your current research work and a list of your recent scientific publications, including books and articles (indicating authors, title, Journal) in the period 1992 - 1999: Research interests: - Kindly supply (strictly within indicated lengths) a keyword description of your current scientific activities as follows: - Area of research (e.g. Plasma Physics) |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | (no more than 15 letters) - Specific topic of interest (e.g. Plasma Diagnostics; Processing Diagnostics; Industrial Applications; etc. ) |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | (no more than 30 letters) APPLICABLE ONLY FOR CANDIDATES FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (Important: Please note that very few grants are available, and preference in selecting participants will be given to eligible candidates who can guarantee travel coverage by own local sources.) Request for Financial Assistance (please tick one only): a) Full travel + Subsistence ____ b) Half travel + Subsistence ____ c) Subsistence Only ____ d) No Funds Requested ____ Date: Signature of candidate : SMR. 1273 WORKSHOP ON PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF PLASMAS (12 - 14 October 2000) Strada Costiera, 11 I-34014 Trieste, Italy Telefax: +39-040-224531 Telex: 460392 ICTP I E-mail: