Workshop on Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium | (smr 1567)
Starts 14 Jun 2004
Ends 25 Jun 2004
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall
This Workshop is focused on the non-equilibrium phenomena in quantum systems. Among others, the following problems will be discussed:
The purpose of this Workshop is to bring together key theorists and experimentalists in the field, both from developed and developing countries. We plan to divide the Workshop in two parts: a week of mostly informal discussions with a few review talks and a one-week conference where most of invited theorists and experimentalists will have an opportunity to give a talk.
Closing date for the receipt of requests for participation: 10 February 2004
A. Altland
A. Andreev
C. Bäuerle
C.W.J. Beenakker
R. Berkovits
P. Brouwer
M. Büttiker
K. Efetov
V. Falko
Y. Galperin
Y. Gefen
T. Giamarchi
L. Glazman
I. Gornyi
I. Gruzberg
Y. Imry
A. Kamenev
B. Kramer
A. Larkin
P. Le Doussal
I. Lerner
C.H. Lewenkopf
D. Loss
T. Martin
A. Mirlin
G.J-M. Montambaux
C. Mudry
M. Müller
M. Ortuño Ortín
Z. Ovadyahu
Y. Paskhin
M. Sassetti
A. Savchenko
E. Sukhorukov
S. Tarucha
V. Tognetti
V. Tripathi
V. Vinokur
A. Wallraff
K. Wiese