Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 2 Feb 2004
Ends 13 Feb 2004
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Main Building Main Lecture Hall
The College will expose the participants to the basic and recent achievements in the theory and applications of interferometry in classical and quantum Physics. The programme consists of lectures by international experts, group discussions and internal seminars. Some laboratory demonstrations will be organized. The aim is to provide the background needed to follow the most advanced literature. MAIN TOPICS: Non-linear interferometry Heterodyne interferometry Holographic interferometry Interferometry in Spectroscopy X-ray interferometry Atom interferometry Microfabricated Structures Interferometric gravitational waves detection The LAMP (Laser, Atomic and Molecular Physics) programme that includes group discussions and internal seminars by participants is an essential component of the College. Those who intend to deliver a seminar are expected to come to the ICTP prepared with all the material needed for their talk. The ICO - ICTP Prize (nominations are solicited) will be awarded during the ICTP Winter College.


G. Denardo, ICS