Advanced School and Conference on Representation Theory and Related Topics | (smr 1735)
Starts 9 Jan 2006
Ends 27 Jan 2006
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
The Representation Theory of Algebras has had an extraordinary development in the last years finding and increasing number of mathematical connections with other fields of mathematics and physics. The proposed School presents some basic topics and open the possibility for students and researchers interested in learning the new developments to approach the field.
The aim of the School and the Conference is to introduce Graduate Students in Mathematics, Physics and Young Researchers to some fundamental aspects in the fields. The main topics will include:
Quiver and their Representations - Structure of Algebras and their Module Categories - Finite, tame and wild Representation Types - Tilting Theory - Derived and Triangulated Categories - Module Varieties and Associated Geometric Invariants - Deformation Theory of Algebraic Structures - Hochschild, simplicial and cyclic Cohomologies of Algebras - Quasi - Hereditary Algeras and Cellular Algebras - Hall Algebras and the Relation with Lie Theory.