Scientific Calendar Event

The Institute of Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam, and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, are organizing an International School and Workshop on Polynomial Automorphisms and Related Topics from October 9 to October 20, 2006, in Hanoi, Vietnam.  The aim of the conference is to introduce mathematicians from Asian developing countries to recent developments in the field of Polynomial Automorphisms and its related topics in Commutative Algebra and Affine Geometry and to promote the collaboration between mathematicians from different developing and developed countries in this field.

1-Polynomial Automorphisms;
2-Jacobian Conjecture and Related topics:  Group actions, locally nilpotent derivations, the Cancellation Problem, Linearization Conjectures, Embedding problem; 
3-Topology of polynomials;
4-Global diffeomorphisms.


1- ADVANCED SCHOOL, October 9 - 13, 2006: There will be 5 instructional courses for graduate students and young mathematicians from Asian developing countries on the main topics. 

2- WORKSHOP, 14 - 20, 2006: This is devoted to an International Conference on recent developments in the field of Polynomial Automorphisms and its related topics in Commutative Algebra and Affine geometry with many invited lectures. Beside invited talks there will be opportunities for mathematicians to present their research works. 

For more information, please visit the website: