Workshop on Porting Applications on Computational Grids | (smr 1896)
Starts 11 Dec 2006
Ends 13 Dec 2006
Central European Time
Colombo - Sri Lanka
Grid computing is rapidly establishing itself as the fundamental tool
for computational science in the next years. Regional grid
infrastructures are developing in many areas of the world, among which
the Indian subcontinent, The Workshop aims at offering an opportunity
to learn how grid computing works to computational scientists from
different areas, providing an overview of the Grid services and
discussing and experimenting on the constraints that the grid paradigm
imposes on applications, and the requirements that their applications
present to the grid infrastructure.
University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), Sri Lanka 46
Applications (by e-mail only) to be addressed indicating full name, affiliation, contact, postal address and contact phone number.
Abhaya S. Induruwa (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), S.Cozzini (INFM-Democritos ICTP, Italy), Richard Wait (Uppsala University, Sweden); Local Organizer: D.N. Ranasinghe (UCSC, Sri Lanka)