Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 11 Sep 2006
Ends 22 Sep 2006
Central European Time
Beijing - People's Republic of China
Asian-Pacific School on Statistical Physics and Interdisciplinary Applications 11 - 19 September 2006 and International Conference on Recent Advances in the Interdisciplinary Applications of Statistical Physics 20 - 22 September 2006 ICTS, Beijing, P.R. China The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the Interdisciplinary Center of Theoretical Studies (ICTS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) are jointly organizing the Asian-Pacific School on Statistical Physics and Interdisciplinary Applications and the International Conference on Recent Advances in the Interdisciplinary Applications of Statistical Physics. The school will be focused on recent progress in statistical physics and its interdisciplinary applications and, among this wide field, particularly on the following topics: * Introduction to Statistical Physics of Complex Systems * Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics * Computer Science and Information Theory * Biological Physics * Applications to Economics and Social Sciences The School will be followed by the International Conference that will discuss the newest aspects in these topics. PARTICIPATION The participation to the activities is open to graduate students and post-docs from all countries, which are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA, and aimed preferably at candidates from the Asian-Pacific region. As they will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of this language. Although the main purpose of these activities is to help researchers from developing countries, through a programme of training within a framework of international cooperation, a limited number of students and post-doctoral scientists from developed countries are also welcome to attend. As a rule, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be borne by their home institution. Every effort should be made by candidates to secure support for their fare (or at least half-fare). However, limited funds are available for some participants, who are nationals of, and working in, a developing country, and who are not more than 45 years old. Such support is available only for those who attend both activities. Applicants are requested to specify in their application if they are interested in attending the School, the Conference or both. There is no registration fee. The Application should be completed and returned before 31 May 2006. Secretariat for applicants from China Mainland: The applicants should consult the webpage: (which will be constantly up-dated), and submit applications on-line. For any queries please consult the secretariat: Ms. Hui Tang, Interdisciplinary Center of Theoretical Studies, CAS, #55 Zhong Guan Cun Dong Lu, P.O. Box 2735, 100080 Beijing, China (tel.: +86-10-82640456 - fax: +86-10-82640409 - email: ICTS Home Page: Secretariat for applicants from other countries and regions: The Application Form can be obtained at the activity webpage: (which will be constantly up-dated) or from the activity Secretariat: Ms. Rosa del Rio, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Ref. smr 1786), Strada Costiera 11 - 34014 Trieste, Italy (tel.: +39-040-2240396 - fax: +39-040-224163 - email: ICTP Home Page: DIRECTORS SILVIO FRANZ (ICTP Trieste) CLAUDE GODRECHE (CEA Saclay) MATTEO MARSILI (ICTP Trieste) RICCARDO ZECCHINA (ICTP Trieste) HAIJUN ZHOU (ITP Beijing) TENTATIVE LIST OF LECTURERS A.J. Bray (University of Manchester, U.K.) D. Dhar* (Tata Institute, Mumbai, India) S. Franz (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) C. Godreche (CEA, Saclay, France) T. Hwa (Univ. California San Diego, U.S.A.) Y. Kabashima (Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan) B. Kahng (Seoul Nat'l University, South Korea) J. Kurchan (ESPCI, Paris, France) S. Majumdar (Univ. P. Sabatier, Toulouse, France) M. Marsili (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) M. Mezard (Université XI Paris-Sud, France) R. Monasson (ENS, Paris, France) D. Mukamel (Weizmann Inst. Science, Rehovot, Israel) J.-P. Nadal (ENS, Paris, France) Qi Ouyang (Beijing University, P.R. China) G. Parisi (Università "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy) M. Potters (CFM, Paris, France) S. Redner* (Boston University, U.S.A.) R. Zecchina (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) Speakers of the conference also include: M. Barma (Tata Institute, Mumbai, India) X.-S. Chen (ITP, Beijing, P.R. China) L. Cugliandolo* (ENS, Paris, France) A. Dhar (Raman Research Intitute, Bangalore, India) Q.Y. Hong (ENS, Paris, France) G. Hu (Beijing Normal University, P.R. China) G. Iori (City University, London, U.K.) J.D. Noh (Chungnam Nat. Univ., Daejon, Korea) L.-H. Tang (Hong Kong Baptist University) B.-H. Wang (Univ. Science & Tech., Hefei, P.R. China) M. Weigt (ISI, Turin, Italy) K.Y.M. Wong* (Hong Kong Technical University) Y. Zhang (The University of Kansas, Lawrence, U.S.A.) Y.-C. Zhang (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) H. Zhou (ITP, Beijing, P.R. China) * to be confirmed DEADLINE for requesting participation 31 May 2006


C. Godreche, H. Zhou, S. Franz, M. Marsili, R. Zecchina