Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 6 Aug 2007
Ends 10 Aug 2007
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
This year’s TTA focuses on the south Asian countries for seasonal prediction of monsoon. Due to its large socioeconomic impact, the seasonal prediction of monsoon variability is a critical issue for the south Asian countries. But it is difficult for the south Asian countries to benefit from the progress in the seasonal prediction method, because it is based on the sophisticated global climate models and lots of computational resources. Current climate models are able to simulate large scale features of monsoon variability to some extent. However, the prediction of local weather variability by the global model has a limitation due to the smoothed and approximated representation of physical processes. Therefore, the global dynamical prediction should be ‘downscaled’ to the local scale. The downscaling is a necessary process in the seasonal prediction system and can be performed with small computational resources. The main topic of TTA 2007 is the downscaling of global climate model predictions. Programme: Morning sessions: Lectures on the monsoon predictability and statistical analysis Afternoon sessions: Training on the statistical downscaling methods


J. Shukla (GMU & IGES/COLA, USA), In-Sik Kang (CES/SNU, Korea); Local Organizer at ICTP: Jin Ho Yoo