Borsellino College 2007. Spike Trains to Actions: Brain Basis of Behavior | (smr 1860)
Starts 3 Sep 2007
Ends 14 Sep 2007
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
The College will be a continuation of the series of Borsellino Colleges, which have been held every third year (1995, 1998, 2001, 2004), and is organized by Profs. Mathew Diamond and Raffaella Rumiati (SISSA, Trieste, Italy).
The aim of the College will be to give an in depth introduction to neuroscience systems (how neuronal activity in the brain leads to simple or complex behaviors) designed for students coming into neuroscience from other areas, as well as more experienced students.
Knowledge concerning brain organization and function is helpful but not required and students from Physics, Medicine, Engineering/Technology, Biology, etc. are urged to apply. The College will encourage participants to interact with researchers from disciplines ranging across the neurosciences (i.e. neurophysiology, neural modelling, linguistics and functional imaging).
The course will link with the European Brain and Behavior Society (EBBS) meeting to be held on the ICTP campus from 15 to 19 September, and Borsellino participants are welcome to remain on campus to participate in the renowned EBBS meeting. EBBS registration fees waived for Borsellino students.
Four to five lectures will be presented each day, embedded within ample discussion periods.
How are percepts built up in cortex?
How are judgements of the percept made?
In what way does information flow within and between cortical regions, and what is accomplished by successive (and reverberating) stages of processing?
How are decisions made about the percept subsequently acted upon?