Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 3 Mar 2008
Ends 14 Mar 2008
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Regional climate models (RCMs) are important climate research tools available to scientists from developing nations. The field of regional climate modeling has expanded tremendously in the last decade and RCMs are being used for a wide variety of applications, from process studies to paleoclimate, climate change and (more recently) seasonal to interdecadal prediction. The workshop is intended to provide a forum to review the status of research, discuss outstanding issues and investigate possibilities of new applications in regional climate modeling. A particular perspective of the workshop is the use of RCMs related to climate change and extended (seasonal to interannual) prediction research in developing nations. The workshop is composed of two weeks. The first will include invited lectures, contributed papers and panel discussions, while the second will include hands-on training sessions with two RCMs (the ICTP RegCM and the ECPC/IRI RSM) for specific application to climate change and seasonal prediction studies. The 8th International RSM workshop as well the RegCM user meeting will be held during this workshop. The workshop will cover the following topics: •Regional climate modeling, status and outstanding issues; •Application of RCMs to climate change and seasonal prediction; •Tropical climate processes, variability and predictability; •Uncertainties in regional climate change predictions; •Biosphere-atmosphere interactions; •The role of fine scale feedbacks in regional climate simulation; •Use of RCMs in Africa, Asia and South America; Use of RegCM and RSM for climate change and seasonal prediction.
Directors: F. Giorgi, C. Jones, L. Sun
AGH (Infolab.) 60 PCs
Co-sponsored by the: World Climate Research Programme (WMO/WCRP, Geneva)
L. Iannitti


Directors: F. Giorgi, C. Jones, L. Sun