Location: | Adriatico Guest House - Kastler Lecture Hall Area (Lower Level 1) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | C.Tuniz (Assistant Director, ICTP) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah (Actel Corp., CA, USA) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Cicuttin (ICTP) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | P. Bazargan-Sabet (University Pierre & Marie Curie, LIP6, Paris, France) |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | P. Bazargan-Sabet |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | P. Bazargan-Sabet |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | P. Bazargan-Sabet |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | P. Bazargan-Sabet |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | P. Bazargan-Sabet |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Cicuttin |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Cicuttin |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. Sosa Paez (UNSL, San Luis, Argentina) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. Sosa Paez |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. Sisterna (UNSJ, San Juan, Argentina) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Cicuttin |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Cicuttin |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | N. Abdallah |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich (University of Trieste, Italy) |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.A. Risco Castillo (Technological University of Peru, Lima, Peru) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. Risco Castillo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Kluge (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Kluge |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Kluge |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | A. Kluge |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | K.M. Khare (RRCAT, Indore, India) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | C. Sisterna |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M.L. Crespo |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | C. Sisterna |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | C. Sisterna |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | M. Nolich |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | K.M. Khare |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | M. Risco Castillo, J. Lopez Botero |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | K.M. Khare |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | F. Mammano (University of Padova, Italy) |
Material: |
![]() |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | F. Mammano |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Speaker: | F. Mammano |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Speaker: | C. Sosa Paez |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
More details on: http://pio.ictp.it/words/news/2009/darwin-and-modern-science
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. - Room alternative: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House Informatics Lab. |