Gribov-80 Memorial Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics and Beyond | (smr 2146)
Starts 26 May 2010
Ends 28 May 2010
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Kastler Lecture Hall
Vladimir Naumovich Gribov was one of the most outstanding theorists, a key figure in the creation of the modern elementary particle physics. His many discoveries are famous and well accepted by the physics community (Gribov-Regge theory of high energy hadron interactions, Gribov vacuum pole - Pomeron, Reggeon field theory, parton evolution equations, neutrino oscillations, Gribov copies in non-Abelian gauge field theories, etc.). Some of his ideas look unacceptable and strange at the first glance. Even at the second glance.
Nowadays, under the weight of new theoretical developments and experimental results, his ideas are receiving the recognition they deserve. The Gribov Memorial Workshop, organized in Budapest, Hungary in 2005 on the occasion of his 75th anniversary, clearly demonstrated the wealth and fertilization force of his ideas. Close colleagues, younger followers, world experts of the quark-hadron world have gathered together to display new angles of the Gribov heritage. And to remember the personality of a great man.
The Workshop will bring together experts in high energy QCD and cosmic ray physics in view of expanding the mutually beneficial interface between experiments planning to explore forward physics at LHC and highest energy cosmic ray experiments.
Topics to be discussed at the workshop will include:
1. Dynamics of interactions at small x
2. AGK rules in QCD
3. Proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions at collider energies
4. Event generators for LHC
5. First results from LHC
6. Chiral symmetry in lattice QCD