Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 28 Mar 2011
Ends 5 Apr 2011
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
The Aim of the activity is to provide pedagogical treatment of these subjects in the form of a series of lectures by individual speakers. The activity is intended for theoretical physicists or mathematicians with knowledge of quantum field theory, general relativity and string theory. TOPICS: • Strongly Coupled Quantum Fields and Condensed Matter Systems • Toward Holographic Duality for Black Holes and Cosmology • AdS3/CFT2 Duality • Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 SYM • Primordial Cosmology • Dark Matter • New Physics at LHC LECTURERS INCLUDE: L.F. ALDAY (University of Oxford) F. CACHAZO (Perimeter Institute) R. GOPAKUMAR (Harish-Chandra Research Institute) S.S. LEE (McMaster University) A. MALONEY (McGill University) S.P. TRIVEDI (Tata Institute) J. WACKER (SLAC) M. ZALDARRIAGA (IAS Princeton)


Directors: E. Gava (INFN), S. Minwalla (Tata Institute), K.S. Narain (ICTP), S. Randjbar-Daemi (ICTP), E. Silverstein (Stanford University)