Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Uncovering Sustainable Development CLEWS; Modelling Climate, Land-use, Energy and Water (CLEW) Interactions | (smr 2242)
Starts 30 May 2011
Ends 3 Jun 2011
Central European Time
Trieste - Italy
Adriatico Guest House Giambiagi Lecture Hall
The objective of this scientific workshop is to present 'CLEW assessment methods' for analysing the interaction of climate (C), land (L), energy (E) and water (W) resources and services as well as showing the implications of these interactions on the socio-economic development of society via case studies.
The analysis of individual CLEW components (and their related services) is routinely undertaken using modelling tools. However these models often lack the functionality required to conduct the integrated analysis required in developing climate-impact, land-, energy- and water-use related policies. The development of an integrated tool linking the above components would help policy makers assess different technologies, estimate the impact of different development scenarios, coordinate policy and planning activities related to water, energy, land and climate and analyse and evaluate policies.