The purpose of the School is to give a detailed and up-to-date overview of the fields of particle and astroparticle physics. It is intended for graduate students, as well as more senior non-expert researchers that are interested in these fields.
List of Topics and Lecturers:
- Astroparticle Physics - Neal WEINER (CCPP, NYU)
- Collider Physics - Tim TAIT (UC, Irvine)
- Flavor Physics - Cecilia TARANTINO (Rome III U. & INFN, Rome 3)
- Grand Unification and Proton Decay - Borut BAJC (JSI, Ljubljana)
- Higgs and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking - Sally DAWSON (BNL)
- UV Completions at TeV Scale - Gia DVALI (ASC, LMU & MPI, Munich & CCPP, NYU & CERN)
- Neutrino Physics - William MARCIANO (BNL)
- Supersymmetry at LHC - Michael DINE (UC, Santa Cruz)