Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building, Lobby |
Speaker: | Directors of Workshop |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | E. Vignatti (Inst. for Environment & Sustainability, Ispra, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | E. Vignatti (Inst. for Environment & Sustainability, Ispra, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria |
Speaker: | G. Martini (Inst. for Environment & Sustainability, Ispra, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | F. Stel (ARPA.,FVG, , Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | F. Solmon (ESP, ICTP, Trieste, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | M. Mallet (Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Toulouse, France) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | O. Dubovik (Lab. d'Optique Atmospherique, Lille, France) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | O. Dubovik (Lab. d'Optique Atmospherique, Lille, France) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | A. Panicker (Pukyong Nat. University, Busan, Rep. of Korea) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | T. Bedareva (V.E.Zuev Inst. of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk, Russian Federation) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria |
Speaker: | F. Solmon (ESP, ICTP, Trieste) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | M. Mallet (Laboratoire d'Aerologie, Toulouse, France) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | K. Spoler Canic (Meteorological & Hydrological Service, Zagreb, Croatia) |
Speaker: | M. Chiaccio (ESP, ICTP, Trieste, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria |
Speaker: | R. T. Bruintjes (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | N. Meskhidze (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | R. T. Bruintjes (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria |
Speaker: | B. Szabo Takacs (University of Pecs, Pecs, Hungary) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | N. Meskhidze (North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, USA) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Material: | Poster presentations Presentations |
Speaker: | D. Giaiotti (ARPA FVG, Palmanova, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | F. Stel (ARPA FVG, Palmanova, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | O. Skrynyk (Ukrainian Res. Hydrometeorological Inst., Kyiv, Ukraine) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | D. Ruprecht (LARS, Environmental Research Lab., Firenze, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Speaker: | E. Baiutti & F. Moimas (ARPA, FVG, Italy) |
Speaker: | L. K. Sahu (Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India) |
Material: | lecture notes |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Terrace |
Speaker: | D. Ruprecht (LARS, Environmental Research Lab., Firenze, Italy) |
Material: | lecture notes |