Filippo Giorgi Education: 1982, Italian Laurea in Physics (emphasis Atmospheric Sciences), Department of Physics, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy. Supervisors: G. Visconti and R. Benzi. Thesis Title: Development of a Two-Layer General Circulation Model for Studies of Climatic Sensitivity. Grade: Summa cum Laude. 1986, Ph. D., School of Geophysical Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. Supervisors: W. L. Chameides and R. E. Dickinson. Thesis Title: Development of an Atmospheric Aerosol Model for Studies of Global Budgets and Effects of Airborne Particulate Material. GPA: 4.0 (100%). Research interests: Regional and global climate modelling and diagnostics; climate change uncertainties; parameterizations of physical processes for regional and global circulation models; coupling of regional and general circulation models; anthropogenic climate change and climate variability; chemistry-climate interactions; tracer transport and aerosol modelling; climatic effects of aerosols; biosphere-atmosphere interactions; climate-surface hydrology interactions. Biography: After obtaining a Ph.D. in June 1986, he was granted a post-doctoral appointment at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. He was then a research scientist at NCAR from October 1987 to April 1998. In May 1998 he moved to the ICTP, to be the head of the Physics of Weather and Climate Section. In April 2001 he was elected as vice Chair of Working Group I (The Physical Science of Climate Change) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He has been the coordinator of the ICTP Scientific Programme since October 2002. Giorgi pioneered the field of regional climate modeling and contributed to the development of the first regional climate model. Over the years this model has become a community tool used by over 200 scientists. He authored or co-authored over 100 articles in peer reviewed scientific journals on a variety of topics pertaining to climate modeling, climate change and variability, chemistry-climate interactions, biosphere-atmosphere interactions. These articles have received over 3500 citations since 1989. In addition he has authored or co-authored about 20 additional peer reviewed book chapters and reports. Throughout the years Giorgi provided scientific supervision to 22 students, post-doctoral fellows and junior scientists and has been PI or CO-I of 18 research grants. He acts as regular referee for a number of scientific journals (reviews about 15 to 20 papers per year). Collaborations: At present, Giorgi is involved in the following international programs and projects: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (as vice Chair of WG I). Sponsored by the World Meterological Organization and UNEP. Prediction of Regional Scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining European Climate Change Risks and Effects (PRUDENCE). Sponsored by the European Union. COLUMBUS PROJECT, part of the Italy-USA collaboration agreement on Climate Change Research. Sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Environment. ENSEMBLE-based predictionS of climate change and its impacts (ENSEMBLES). Sponsored by the European Union. Giorgi also has a number of collaborations with laboratories in the U.S., Europe and developing countries.