The objective of the meeting is to gather doctoral students, postdocs and young researchers of different nationalities to attend minicourses and work on some defined topics in differentiable dynamics at ICTP.
1. Thierry Barbot (Université d'Avignon): Algebraic aspects of Anosov systems
2. Sylvain Crovisier (Paris 13 - France): Perturbation of the dynamics of C1 diffeomorphisms
3. Sergey Thikhomirov (Freie Universitat Berlin): On Shadowing properties of differentiable dynamics
4. Ali Tahzibi (University of São Paulo at São Carlos): Ergodicity of smooth measures.
1. The participants will attend all minicourses and work in small groups during the meeting following the schedule below.
2. The students will present posters on their thesis projects.
3. Finally the groups will report their works during 2 weeks for all the participants.
Participants will be divided (not a partition!) into the following groups:
Ga: Group working on Partially hyperbolic dynamics, absolute continuity of foliations and Lyapunov exponents
Gb: Group working on Iterated function systems and Lyapunov exponents
Gc: Group working on Shadowing lemmas
Gd: Group working on C1 generic dynamics
Ge: Group working on Anosov flows