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Irradiation facilities


Location: Trieste - Italy
Date: 13 Aug 16:30 - 17:30


In order to study and understand changes that occur in materials when exposed to excessive fluences of radiation, different radiation sources and controlled irradiation conditions have to be used. In this review, facilities based on radioisotope sources, accelerators and reactors, as well as principles of their operation for irradiation purpose, will be presented. Discussion and examples on the advantages of electrostatic ion accelerators and in particular use of focused ion beams for studies of radiation damage in materials will be given.

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 1 contribution out of 1
Presented by MILKO JAKSIC on 13/8/2012 at 16:30
Building timetable...


IAEA: Aliz Simon and Andrej Zeman; Local Organiser: Sandro Scandolo