Location: | Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria |
Speaker: | Harry Swinney (University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA)) |
Location: | ICTP-INFN Laboratory (Mlab) |
Speaker: | Mark Shattuck (Benjamin Levich Institute (New York, USA)) |
Speaker: | Michael Schatz (Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA)) |
Speaker: | Eva Maria Schoetz Collins (University of San Diego, (San Diego, USA)) |
Speaker: | Pietro Cicuta (University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK)) |
Speaker: | Eva Maria Schoetz Collins (University of San Diego, (San Diego, USA)) |
Speaker: | Joe Niemela (ICTP, (Trieste, Italy)) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House - Giambiagi Lecture Hall Area (Lower Level 1) |
Speaker: | Rajarshi Roy (University of Maryland College Park (Maryland, USA)) |
Speaker: | Rajarshi Roy (University of Maryland College Park, (Maryland, USA)) |
Speaker: | Kenneth C. Showalter (West Virginia University, (Morgantown, USA)) |
Speaker: | Erin Rericha (Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA)) |
Speaker: | Joe Niemela (ICTP (Trieste, Italy)) |
Speaker: | Brian Storey (Olin College of Engineering (Needham, USA)) |
Speaker: | Eric Weeks (Emory University (Atlanta, USA)) |
Speaker: | Abhijit Sen (Insitute for Plasma Physics (Gujarat, India)) |
Speaker: | Charles Baroud (Laboratoire d'Hydrodynamique LadHyX (Palaiseau, France)) |
Speaker: | Mark Shattuck (City College of New York (New York, USA)) |
Location: | Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria |
Speaker: | Harry Swinney (University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA)) |
Location: | Adriatico Guest House (Terrace) |