Special seminar: " Effect of short-range interactions on the
quantum critical behavior of spinless fermions on the honeycomb lattice "
Starts 31 Oct 2012 16:00
Ends 31 Oct 2012 20:00
Central European Time
Leonardo da Vinci Building Luigi Stasi Seminar Room
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
I present a functional renormalization group investigation of an Euclidean three-dimensional matrix Yukawa model with U(N) symmetry, which describes N = 2 Weyl fermions that effectively interact via a short-range repulsive interaction. This system relates to an effective low-energy theory of spinless electrons on the honeycomb lattice and can be seen as a simple model for suspended graphene. A continuous phase transition is found which is characterized by large anomalous dimensions both for the fermions and composite degrees of freedom. The critical exponents define a new universality class distinct from Gross-Neveu type models, typically considered in this context.