Seminar on Disorder and Strong Electron Correlations: New Paths to Unconventional Topological Superconductivity
Starts 6 Jun 2013 12:30
Ends 6 Jun 2013 20:00
Central European Time
Leonardo da Vinci Building Luigi Stasi Seminar Room
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
We report on our recent progress regarding classes of materials which exhibit chiral triplet and singlet superconductivity, where topologically nontrivial
pairing phenomena can emerge. Specifically, motivated by recent experimental advances, we show that graphene doped to the van Hove regime can give rise to a plethora of interesting ordering instabilities such as spin density wave and superconductivity. As a function of system
parameters such as doping and range of Coulomb
interaction, we explain which instability is favored by the system, and analyze the effect of long-range interactions on superconductivity giving rise to a competition
between singlet d+id and triplet f wave. We further
report on our investigations of Cobaltate superconductors where we believe the experimental evidence can be reconciled by an anisotropic d+id superconducting gap.
We also outline our work in progress for other compounds such as strontium ruthenate and SrPtAs which we believe
are promising to stabilize such interesting topological superconducting states of matter.