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The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), is organizing an Advanced Workshop on Structural Biology: using Synchrotron Radiation to Visualise Biological Molecules to be held at the ICTP from 15 -19 December 2014. The objective of this Workshop is to expose the participants to the methodologies used to solve macromolecular structures, using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and scattering techniques. Structural biology is an interdisciplinary research area, requiring expertises from both the life sciences and the physical sciences, so it is often difficult to educate and train young scientists with the necessary breath of experience. The Workshop is meant to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the fields of macromolecular crystallography and small-angle X-ray scattering, and aims to bridge the gap between physics and biology by covering the entire process, starting from the gene to obtain the atomic structure. A few practical sessions will provide the students with some hands-on experience in some of the subjects covered by the lectures. This event is part of a joint initiative between ICTP, IAEA, Elettra and SESAME, the Middle East Synchrotron Radiation facility in Jordan. Topics will include: Protein production; Crystallization; MX data collection and processing; MX structure determination; Refinement; Model building; Hands-on sessions will include: Crystallization; Synchrotron data collection; Data processing; Refinement & Model building. SAXS data collection and structure determination; Complementary techniques. |