Description |
The purpose of the Workshop is to bring together researchers working on various aspects of disordered systems and those working on spontaneous coherence effects in optical systems, in particular Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons and random lasing. TOPICS: • Polariton BEC in disorder; • Atomic BEC in disorder; • Disordered photonics and random lasing; • Anderson localization; • Disordered superconductors; • Glasses. In addition to the invited talks, contributed oral presentations and posters by participants are also most welcome. Should you be interested, kindly submit a short one-page abstract along with your online application form. |
Workshop on Coherent Phenomena in Disordered Optical Systems | (smr 2583)
Go to day
08:00 - 20:30
Registration Leonardo Building Entrance
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Opening Address
10' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Anderson Localization in Disordered Systems: From single-particle to Many-body
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: B. ALTSHULER (Columbia Univ., New York, U.S.A.) -
How Nonlinear Interactions Challenge the Anderson Transition
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: N. CHERRORET (Lab.Kastler Brossel, ENS, Paris, France) Material: CHERRORET.abstract.pdf
- 10:40 Coffee break 20' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Chaos, Relaxation and Thermalization in Isolated Quantum Systems of Interacting Particles
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: F. IZRAILEV (Instituto de Fisica, Univ. Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico) Material: IZRAILEV.abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Vortex Dynamics in Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Rotating Double-well Trap Potential and Co-rotating Optical Lattice
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: M. THUDIYANGAL (Pondichery Univ., Physics, Puducherry, India) Material: THUDIYANGAL abstract.pdf
- 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Non Equilibrium Dynamics in "Electron Glasses"
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: T. GRENET (CNRS, Institut Neel, Grenoble, France) Material: GRENET abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Spontaneous Vorticity in Polariton Lattices
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: P. LAGOUDAKIS (Univ. Southampton, Hybrid Photonics Group, U..K.) - 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Unconventional Quantum Phases in Kicked Rotors
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Chushun TIAN (Inst. Advanced Studies, Tsinghua Univ., China) Material: TIAN abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Superfluid stiffness of a driven dissipative condensate with disorder
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. JANOT (Inst. Theoretical Physics, Univ. Leipzig, Germany) Material: JANOT abstract.pdf
lecture notes
- 19:00 WELCOME RECEPTION at Leonardo Building Cafeteria 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria )
Registration Leonardo Building Entrance
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
08:00 - 20:30
09:00 - 18:00
Ultracold Atoms in Disorder: 3D Anderson Localization and Coherent Backscattering
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: V. JOSSE (Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France) Material: JOSSE abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Measurement of the Mobility Edge for 3D Anderson Localization
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. MODUGNO (LENS, Univ. Firenze, Florence, Italy) Material: MODUGNO abstract.pdf
lecture notes
- 11:00 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Momentum Space Signatures of Anderson Localization
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: C.A. MUELLER (Univ. Konstanz, Physics, Germany) Material: MUELLER abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Replica Symmetry Breaking in the Bose Glass
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: S.J. THOMSON (School of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. St. Andrews, U.K.) Material: THOMSON abstract.pdf
- 13:00 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Tunneling Spectroscopy of Fluctuating and Localized Preformed Coopers Pairs in Highly Disordered Superconducting Films
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: C.P.L. CHAPELIER (INAC/SPSMS/LaTEQS, CEA Grenoble, France) Material: CHAPELIER abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Universal Scaling of the Order-parameter Distribution in Strongly Disordered Superconductors
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. LEMARIE' (LPT Toulouse, France) Material: LEMARIE abstract.pdf
- 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Strongly Disordered Superconducting Films: Tunneling Spectra and Electromagnetic Response
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: M.A. SKVORTSOV (MIPT Dolgoprudny and Skolkovo Institute, Russian Federation) Material: lecture notes
Coherence Properties and Excitation Spectrum of Weakly Interacting Bose Gases Across the Superfluid-Bose-Glass Transition
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: P. LUGAN (Inst. Theoretical Physics, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) Material: LUGAN abstract.pdf
Ultracold Atoms in Disorder: 3D Anderson Localization and Coherent Backscattering
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 17:30
Disorder Effects on Microcavity Polaritons: An Overview
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: V. SAVONA (Inst. Theoretical Physics, Nanosystems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland) Material: lecture notes
Coherence Length of a Weakly Interacting One-Dimensional Polariton Condensate: Competition between Lifetime and Disorder
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: M. RICHARD (CNRS, Institut Neel, Grenoble, France) Material: lecture notes
- 11:00 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Microcavity Polaritons in Periodic and Aperiodic Lattices
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. AMO (LPN, CNRS, Marcoussis, France) -
Quantization of Angular Momentum in Rotating Polariton Systems
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: T. BOULIER (Lab.Kastler Brossel, ENS, Paris, France) Material: BOULIER abstract.pdf
- 13:00 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Coherence of One-dimensional Nonequilibrium Polariton Condensates
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: M. WOUTERS (Univ. of Antwerp, Physics, Belgium) -
Population Inversion and Mesoscopic Fluctuations in Strongly Driven Artificial Atoms
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: M.J. SANCHEZ (CNEA, CAB, SC Bariloche, Argentina) Material: SANCHEZ M.J. abstract.pdf
- 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Disorder Effects on Microcavity Polaritons: An Overview
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 17:30
09:00 - 17:30
Non-equilibrium physics in coupled light-matter systems
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: H. TURECI (Princeton Univ., Electrical Engineering, U.S.A.) -
Statistics of Bipartite Entanglement in Disordered Media
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: M. CANDE' (LPMMC, CNRS, Grenoble, France) - 10:30 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Random Lasers, Physics and Applications
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Hui CAO (Yale Univ., Applied Physics, New Haven, U.S.A.) Material: lecture notes
Tailoring the spectral properties of the random distributed feedback fiber laser
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: S. SUGAVANAM (Aston Univ., Inst. Photonic Technologies, Birmingham, U.K.) Material: SUGAVANAM abstract.pdf
- 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
New Insights on Coherent Wave Transmission through Disordered Systems
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: S. ROTTER (Vienna Univ. Technology, ITP, Austria) Material: ROTTER abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Statistical Properties of Random Lasers: Toward an ab initio and Analytic Theory
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. GOETSCHY (Univ. Paris Diderot, Paris, France) Material: GOETSCHY abstract.pdf
- 15:30 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
A Cold-atom Random Laser: From Atomic to Astrophysics
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: R. KAISER (INLN, Valbonne, France) Material: lecture notes
Slow-light Propagation in Photonic Nano-Structures
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Jin HOU (South-Central Univ. for Nationalities, Electronics & Information, Wuhan, China) Material: HOU Jin abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Non-equilibrium physics in coupled light-matter systems
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 17:30
09:00 - 16:00
Non-equilibrium States of Couples Cavity Arrays
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. KEELING (School of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. St Andrews, U.K.) Material: KEELING abstract.pdf
lecture notes
A Quantum-Langevin Model for Non-equilibrium Condensates
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. CHIOCCHETTA (SISSA, Trieste, Italy) Material: CHIOCCHETTA abstract.pdf
- 10:30 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Localized Mode and Propagating Quasi-mode in 2D Acoustic Inhomogeneous Media
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Xin ZHANG (School of Physics & Optoelectronic Engg, Guangdong Univ., Guangzhou, China) Material: ZHANG Xin abstract.pdf
Nonlinear Excitations of Bose-Einstein Condensates with Higher-order Interaction
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: E. WAMBA (Univ. Yaounde & African Inst.of Mathematical Sciences, Rep. of Cameroon) Material: WAMBA abstract.pdf
lecture notes
Spectrum of Emission and Photocount Statistics of Laser with Overlapping Modes
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: C. VIVIESCAS RAMIREZ (Univ. Nac. De Colombia, Bogota D.C., Colombia) Material: VIVIESCAS RAMIREZ abstract.pdf
- 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Bose Condensation Phenomena in Driven Open Quantum Systems
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: S. DIEHL (Univ. Innsbruck, IQOQI, Austria) Material: DIEHL abstract.pdf
Theory of Anderson Localization of Light in Real World Disordered Samples
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: R. FRANK (Univ. Tubingen, Theoretical Physics, Germany) Material: FRANK abstract.pdf
Closing Remarks
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Non-equilibrium States of Couples Cavity Arrays
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:00