Description |
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) is organizing the above workshop to take place at the ICTP from 23 to 27 June 2014. In recent years the dynamics of biological systems has been increasingly described using concepts and terminology borrowed from economics: cells face trade-offs between different strategies for survival; the generation of proteins from DNA displays multiple levels of subtle, optimal efficiency; metabolism can be viewed as a resource allocation problem; biomolecules can be associated with a “value” within the free energy “market” of the cell. These concepts indicate the emergence of a new way of thinking about problems in biology. We envisage that innovation in several important areas of biology can ensue from exploring in more depth and in a more coherent way this connection between cellular dynamics and concepts traditionally used in economics. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together systems biologists and physicists whose research has brought them to an economy-inspired view of the cell. Scientists from different backgrounds will discuss biological questions that can be addressed using concepts of resource allocation, efficiency and optimality. The following topics will be covered: (1) Genome-scale cellular metabolism and the global molecular budget of a cell; (2) The economy of gene expression and protein synthesis: the cellular adaptations to translational efficiency; (3) Benefits and costs in cellular fitness; (4) Trade-offs and Pareto-optimality in biological systems; (5) Game theory in cellular and multicellular biology; and (6) Economics of cognitive-like processes at the cellular level. |
Workshop on the Economy of a Cell: Resource Allocation, Trade-Offs and Efficiency in Living Systems | (smr 2588)
Go to day
09:00 - 19:00
- 09:00 ARRIVAL REGISTRATION - Desk - lobby, Leonardo da Vinci building 1h15' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
- 10:15 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Welcome message
15' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Workshop Directors -
Intro Lecture 1
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Tzachi Pilpel (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot) - 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Introduction Lecture 2: An Introduction to Flux Balance Analysis and related methods for studying metabolic genotype-phenotype relationships
1h15' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Areejit Samal (ICTP - Trieste) - 15:15 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Intro Lecture 3
1h15' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Daniel Segrè (Boston University) -
POSTER SESSION (Poster Gallery)
2h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building, Lobby
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 22:00
Keynote Speaker - Codon usage as a window into cellular economics
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Lawrence Hurst (University of Bath) -
Plenary Speaker - Competing Endogenous RNAs:[ceRNAs]: post-transcriptional competition for limited resources
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Andrea Pagnani (Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation (ISI), Turin) - 10:40 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Plenary Speaker - Towards Quantitative Endogenous Network Theory of Cancer Genesis and Progression: beyond cancer as disease of genome
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Ping Ao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Material: lecture notes
Plenary Speaker - Characterizing multi-drug treatments on metabolic networks
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Claudio Altafini (International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) Trieste) Material: lecture notes
- 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Keynote Speaker - Growth laws and metabolic coordination
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Terence Hwa (University of California at San Diego, La Jolla) -
Plenary Speaker - Constrained-allocation FBA: modeling the interplay of regulation and metabolism in bacteria at genome scale
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Andrea De Martino (University of Rome "La Sapienza") Material: abstract
lecture notes
- 15:40 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Keynote Speaker - What's in a proteome? Lessons from a visual account of protein investment in cellular functions.
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Ron Milo (The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot) Material: lecture notes
- 20:00 Reception 2h0' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Keynote Speaker - Codon usage as a window into cellular economics
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 14:00
Laboratory evolution of bacteria
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Christopher Marx - Keynote Speaker (Harvard University, Massachusetts) Material: lecture notes
Towards a quantitative analysis of the "Competing Endogenous RNA effect"
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Carla Bosia - Contributed speaker (University of Turin) Material: abstract
- 10:30 Coffee break 20' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Motility and collective phenomena
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Antonio Celani - Plenary Speaker (Institut Pasteur, Paris) -
Flux sensing
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Matthias Heinemann - Keynote Speaker (University of Groningen) - 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Laboratory evolution of bacteria
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 14:00
09:00 - 19:00
Keynote Speaker - What matters in the cell: Economy or speed?
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Stefan Schuster (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena) -
Plenary Speaker - The costs and benefits of microbial procrastination
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Mike Springer (Harvard University, Cambridge) Material: lecture notes
- 10:40 Coffee break 40' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
A toy model for dynamic metabolic adaptations
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Benjamin Pfeuty - Contributed speaker (CNRS - University Lille 1, Villeneuve D'Ascq, France) Material: abstract
Uniform sampling of steady states in metabolic networks: scales heterogeneity and ill-conditioning
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Daniele De Martino - Conributed speaker (Center for Life Nanoscience, Rome) Material: abstract
- 12:20 Lunch break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
The energetic cost of cellular computation
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Pankaj Mehta - Keynote Speaker (Rutgers State University) -
Identification of pathway regulation in prokaryotes using dynamic optimization
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: D. Schuster (Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet, Jena) Material: abstract
- 15:30 Coffee break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Bacteria: on Noise in Metabolism and Growth
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Daniel J. Kiviet - Contributed speaker (ETH Zurich) Material: abstract
How the cell balances resources and tasks: Evaluating the Efficiency of Metabolic Networks
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Lorenzo Castelli - Contributed speaker (University of Trieste) Material: abstract
POSTER SESSION (Poster Gallery)
2h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building, Lobby
Keynote Speaker - What matters in the cell: Economy or speed?
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 13:00
Universal Distribution of Component Frequencies in Biological and Technological Networks
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Sergei Maslov - Keynote Speaker (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton (NY)) Material: lecture notes
Enzyme economy in metabolic networks
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Wolfram Liebermeister - Contributed speaker (Institut fuer Biochemie, Berlin) Material: abstract
lecture notes
Logic of global transcriptional regulation for integrated carbon nitrogen metabolism of Escherichia coli
30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Cheol-Min Ghim - Contributed speaker (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Rep. of Korea) Material: abstract
- 11:00 Coffee break 20' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall )
Plenary Speaker - Trade-offs and resource allocation in toy mathematical models of growing-dividing cells
40' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Sanjay Jain (University of Delhi) -
Keynote Speaker - Optimality principles in plant energy metabolism
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Speaker: Oliver Ebenhoeh (University of Aberdeen) Material: abstract
Universal Distribution of Component Frequencies in Biological and Technological Networks
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
09:00 - 13:00