Description |
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy will organize a School on Non-linear Dynamics, Dynamical Transitions and Instabilities in Classical and Quantum Systems, to be held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, from 14 July to 1 August 2014. The School aims at covering a selection of modern topics at the interface between Condensed Matter Physicsand Statistical Mechanics, classical and quantum, with an emphasis on aspects of non-equilibrium physics: • Steady States, Patterns and Scaling in Driven Systems • Growth Processes • Classical and Quantum Turbulence • Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics • Quantum Gases out of Equilibrium • Numerical Methods out of Equilibrium • Entropy Generation and Transport far from Equilibrium |
School on Non-linear Dynamics, Dynamical Transitions and Instabilities in Classical and Quantum Systems | (smr 2594)
Go to day
08:45 - 20:00
15' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: Profs. Calabrese, Lamacraft, Le Doussal, Müller and Silva -
Quantum Quenches and Integrability - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: F. ESSLER (Oxford, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, U.K.) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break and REGISTRATION formalities (Leonardo Building entrance, outside Main lecture Hall) 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Classical and Quantum Liquids - PART I: Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Electronic Systems in One Spatial Dimensions
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: P. WIEGMANN (CIS Center for Integrative Science, Univ. Chicago, USA) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break and REGISTRATION formalities (Leonardo Building entrance, outside Main lecture Hall) 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Conservation Laws after a Global Quench
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: M. FAGOTTI (Oxford, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, U.K.) Material: Video
Non-thermal Fixed Points in Bose Systems: Universality, Topology and Turbulence
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: T. GASENZER (Univ. Heidelberg, Inst. Theoretische Physik, Germany) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break and REGISTRATION formalities (Leonardo Building entrance, outside Main lecture Hall) 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Informal Discussion
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
- 18:00 Welcome Reception 2h0' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Cafeteria )
15' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
08:45 - 20:00
09:00 - 16:45
Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Classical and Quantum Liquids - PART II: Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Vortex Flow in Two Spatial Dimensions
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: P. WIEGMANN (CIS Center for Integrative Science, Univ. Chicago, USA) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Classical Transport, Steady States and Phase Transitions in Non Equilibrium 1 D Systems - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: B. DERRIDA (ENS-LPS, Paris, France) - 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Fluctuations for 1D KPZ equation and Related Models
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: T. SASAMOTO (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Physics, Japan) Material: Video
Electronic Strongly-localized Systems and Directed Polymers
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. SOMOZA (Univ. de Murcia, Physics, Spain) - 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Exclusion Processes and Quantum Phase Transitions in XXZ Spin Chains
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: V. LECOMTE (LPMA, Universite' Paris VI-VII, France) Material: Video
Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Classical and Quantum Liquids - PART II: Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Vortex Flow in Two Spatial Dimensions
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:45
09:00 - 16:45
Interference Experiments and Their Use in Non-equilibrium Dynamics - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. SCHMIEDMAYER (Atominstitut, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Quantum Quenches and Integrability - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: F. ESSLER (Oxford, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, U.K.) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Classical Transport, Steady States and Phase Transitions in Non Equilibrium 1 D Systems - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: B. DERRIDA (ENS-LPS, Paris, France) - 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Dynamics of Quantum Impurities
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: E. DEMLER (Univ. Harvard, Physics, Cambridge, U.S.A.)
Interference Experiments and Their Use in Non-equilibrium Dynamics - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:45
09:00 - 16:45
Quantum Quenches and Integrability - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: F. ESSLER (Oxford, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, U.K.) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Interference Experiments and Their Use in Non-equilibrium Dynamics - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. SCHMIEDMAYER (Atominstitut, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
2h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Quantum Quenches and Integrability - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:45
09:00 - 21:30
Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Classical and Quantum Liquids - PART III: Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Fractional Quantum Hall Liquid
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: P. WIEGMANN (CIS Center for Integrative Science, Univ. Chicago, USA) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Classical Transport, Steady States and Phase Transitions in Non Equilibrium 1 D Systems - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: B. DERRIDA (ENS-LPS, Paris, France) - 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Interference Experiments and Their Use in Non-equilibrium Dynamics - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. SCHMIEDMAYER (Atominstitut, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
- 19:00 The African Night at ICTP 3rd Edition - with live music and dance performances at the Leonardo Building Terrace 2h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Classical and Quantum Liquids - PART III: Anomalous Hydrodynamics of Fractional Quantum Hall Liquid
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 21:30
09:00 - 16:00
Superradiant Phase Transitions: The Dicke Model and Cold Atoms - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. KEELING (Univ. St Andrews, School of Physics & Astronomy, U.K.) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Anharmonic Chains - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: H. SPOHN (TUM, Mathematik M5, Garching, Germany) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Controlling Quantum Flux Through Measurement
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: D. BERNARD (CNRS & ENS-LPT Paris, France) Material: Video
Non-equilibrium Steady States in Higher-Dimensional Critical Systems
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: B. DOYON (King's College London, Mathematics, London, U.K.) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Superradiant Phase Transitions: The Dicke Model and Cold Atoms - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 17:30
Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Anharmonic Chains - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: H. SPOHN (TUM, Mathematik M5, Garching, Germany) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Superradiant Phase Transitions: The Dicke Model and Cold Atoms - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. KEELING (Univ. St Andrews, School of Physics & Astronomy, U.K.) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Introduction to DMRG/MPS Methods in 1D and Applications to Non-equilibrium Situations - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: C. KOLLATH (Helmholtz Inst. fuer Strahlen und Kernphysik, Bonn, Germany) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Feedback and Information Processing in Stochastic Thermodynamics
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: U. SEIFERT (Univ. Stuttgart, Inst. Theoretische Physik II, Germany) Material: Video
Phase Transitions and Edge Scaling of Number Variance in Gaussian Random Matrices
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: S. MAJUMDAR (LPTMS, Univ. XI Paris Sud, Orsay, France) Material: Video
Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Anharmonic Chains - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 17:30
09:00 - 17:30
Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Anharmonic Chains - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: H. SPOHN (TUM, Mathematik M5, Garching, Germany) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Introduction to DMRG/MPS Methods in 1D and Applications to Non-equilibrium Situations - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: C. KOLLATH (Helmholtz Inst. fuer Strahlen und Kernphysik, Bonn, Germany) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Non-equilibrium Many-body Physics in Photonic Systems
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: I. CARUSOTTO (INO CNR BEC Center & Univ. Trento, Italy) Material: Video
Nonlinear Quantum Transport, Quantum Impurities, Circuit Quantum Elecrodynamics
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: K. LE HUR (Ecole Polytechnique, Centre de Physique Theorique, Palaiseau, France) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Quantum Integrability and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality Class - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: I. CORWIN (MIT, Dept. of Mathematics, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.) Material: CORWIN abstract.pdf
Nonlinear Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Anharmonic Chains - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 17:30
09:00 - 16:00
Introduction to DMRG/MPS Methods in 1D and Applications to Non-equilibrium Situations - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: C. KOLLATH (Helmholtz Inst. fuer Strahlen und Kernphysik, Bonn, Germany) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Quantum Integrability and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality Class - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: I. CORWIN (MIT, Dept. of Mathematics, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Superradiant Phase Transitions: The Dicke Model and Cold Atoms - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. KEELING (Univ. St Andrews, School of Physics & Astronomy, U.K.) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Introduction to DMRG/MPS Methods in 1D and Applications to Non-equilibrium Situations - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
Quantum Integrability and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality Class - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: I. CORWIN (MIT, Dept. of Mathematics, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Non-equilbrium Phenomena in Luttinger Liquids
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. MIRLIN (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Material: Video
Emergent Newtonian Dynamics and Dynamical Localization Near Quantum Critical Points
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. POLKOVNIKOV (Boston University, Physics, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Quantum Integrability and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Universality Class - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
Instabilities and Nonthermal Fixed Points: From Cosmology to Cold Atoms - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. BERGES (Univ. Heidelberg, Inst. Theoretische Physik, Germany) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Turbulence - PART I: Symmetries and Operator Product Expansion
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. FALKOVICH (The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Integrability of Non-equilibrium Steady State Density-operators and Quantum Transport in One-dimension
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: T. PROSEN (Univ. Ljubljana, Physics, Slovenia) Material: Video
Instabilities and Active Turbulence in Bacterial Suspensions
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: I. ARONSON (Argonne Nat. Laboratory, Materials Science, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Instabilities and Nonthermal Fixed Points: From Cosmology to Cold Atoms - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:45
Dynamical and Out of Equilibrium Phase Transitions - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. BIROLI (CEA Saclay, Physique Theorique, Gif sur Yvette, France) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Turbulence - PART II: Flight-crash Events and Irreversibility
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. FALKOVICH (The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Keldysh Technique (out of equilibrium): BEC, Superconductivity - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. KAMENEV (School of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Dynamical and Out of Equilibrium Phase Transitions - PART I
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:45
09:00 - 16:30
Keldysh Technique (out of equilibrium): BEC, Superconductivity - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. KAMENEV (School of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Dynamical and Out of Equilibrium Phase Transitions - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. BIROLI (CEA Saclay, Physique Theorique, Gif sur Yvette, France) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Instabilities and Nonthermal Fixed Points: From Cosmology to Cold Atoms - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. BERGES (Univ. Heidelberg, Inst. Theoretische Physik, Germany) Material: Video
1h0' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Keldysh Technique (out of equilibrium): BEC, Superconductivity - PART II
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 16:30
09:00 - 17:30
Instabilities and Nonthermal Fixed Points: From Cosmology to Cold Atoms - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: J. BERGES (Univ. Heidelberg, Inst. Theoretische Physik, Germany) Material: Video
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Superconductivity - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. KAMENEV (School of Physics & Astronomy, Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis, U.S.A.) Material: Video
- 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Dynamical and Out of Equilibrium Phase Transitions - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: G. BIROLI (CEA Saclay, Physique Theorique, Gif sur Yvette, France) Material: Video
- 15:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Prethermalization in a Nonintegrable Quantum Spin Chain
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. GAMBASSI (SISSA, Trieste, Italy) Material: Video
Hydrodynamics of Light-Matter Quantum Fluids
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: A. BRAMATI (ENS-CNRS Physique, Paris, France) Material: Video
Instabilities and Nonthermal Fixed Points: From Cosmology to Cold Atoms - PART III
1h30' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 17:30
09:00 - 12:00
Experimental Evidence of KPZ Growing Interfaces and Beyond
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: K.A. TAKEUCHI (Univ. Tokyo, Physics, Japan) Material: Video
KPZ- and Related Behavior of Hydrodynamics in One Dimension
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: H. VAN BEIJEREN (Institute Theoretical Physics, Univ. Utrecht, Netherlands) Material: VAN BEIJEREN abstract.pdf
- 10:30 Coffee/tea break 30' ( Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall )
Universality in Driven-Dissipative Bose-Einstein Condensation
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Speaker: L. SIEBERER (Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Innsbruck, Austria) Material: SIEBERER abstract.pdf
Closing Remarks
15' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
Experimental Evidence of KPZ Growing Interfaces and Beyond
45' (
Leonardo da Vinci Building Main Lecture Hall
09:00 - 12:00