Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 30 May 2013 12:30
Ends 30 May 2013 20:00
Central European Time
Leonardo da Vinci Building Luigi Stasi Seminar Room
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
Recently, Coulomb drag measurements have been performed in graphene, usually in the presence of magnetic fields as well. In this work we calculate the magneto-drag and the Hall-drag resistivity at finite temperature for two graphene monolayers by solving the quantum kinetic equation. The presented theory is valid in the hydrodynamic regime, which is dominated by inelastic scattering. The microscopic formulation supports a phenomenological Drude-like picture which for large concentrations equals the usual Drude form, and for small concentration an effective two-band-Drude equation. Our theory allows for a qualitative description for arbitrary chemical potentials. An emphasis is put on the Hall-drag which is absent when derived from the standard Drude equation. We show that the Hall-drag vanishes along the line of opposite carrier concentration in the layers, but we also identify non trivial concentrations at which the Hall-drag vanishes.
  • M. Poropat
Michael SCHUETT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)