Advanced School on Synchrotron Radiation Techniques and Nanotechnology: A Synergic Approach to Life Sciences and Medicine | (smr 2516)
Starts 11 Nov 2013
Ends 22 Nov 2013
Central European Time
Stellenbosch - South Africa
Cape Town Campus, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Activity Secretariat:
Telefax: +39-040-224163 Telephone: +39-040-2240346smr2516@ictp.itDEADLINE FOR APPLICATION:
9 AUGUST 2013
(Due to logistic laboratory reasons this activity has "limited participation"
Hosted in:iThemba Labs. - National Research Foundation, Cape Town Campus, Stellenbosch, South Africa
L. Casalis, S. Onesti (Sincrotrone Trieste), A. Laio (SISSA), G. Scoles (Udine), J. Niemela (ICTP), M. Maaza (Cape Town), I. Parker (Cape Town), W.-D. Schubert (Western Cape). ICTP Local Organizer: J. Niemela