Thermal width of heavy quarkonia in anisotropic Quark Gluon Plasma from Holography
Starts 24 Apr 2013 17:30
Ends 24 Apr 2013 20:00
Central European Time
Leonardo da Vinci Building Euler Lecture Hall
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
Abstract. Using holography we study the imaginary of the heavy quark anti-quark (dipole) potential in the anisotropic plasma at finite temperature. The anisotropic plasma is a deformation of N=4 SYM theory by adding a Theta-term depending on the anisotropy direction to the action. From gravity side the deformation can be thought as generated from a back-reacting number of D7 branes wrapping the internal 5-sphere and two of the spatial directions (transverse directions) in the space-time. The imaginary part of the potential creates a thermal width and by comparing the results with isotropic case we show that the thermal width in the anisotropic plasma is larger than the isotropic case. The thermal width is a function of the angle between the dipole and anisotropy direction and we show that the thermal width in anisotropy direction is larger than the thermal width in transverse direction.