School on Cooperative Phenomena in Condensed Matter: From Bose-Einstein Condensates to Quantum Optics | (smr 2639)
Starts 2 Nov 2015
Ends 13 Nov 2015
Buea - Republic of Cameroon
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, in collaboration with the University of Buea (South West, Cameroon) is organizing a School on Cooperative Phenomena in Condensed Matter: From Bose-Einstein Condensates to Quantum Optics, to be held at the University of Buea, Cameroon, from 2nd to 13th November 2015 (originally planned in November 2014). The School focuses on cooperative phenomena in condensed matter physics with special emphasis on atomic systems (ultra-cold gases), mesoscopic systems (quantum dots, nanostructures) and quantum optics.
Possible ways of interfacing and complementing these systems will be discussed as well as their applications to quantum transport, quantum information processing and quantum optics. The activity will combine lectures which pedagogically summarize the main challenges and recent results in each area with short presentations, especially from young researchers, and roundtable sessions.
Poster sessions will be also encouraged to stimulate discussions.
TOPICS - Ultra-cold gases, BEC, superfluidity, Mott insulators; - Disordered systems (localization); - Quantum transport through nanostructures; - Quantum information processing (adiabatic quantum computations); - Strong light-matter interaction; - Quantum optics.
LIST OF INVITED LECTURERS/SPEAKERS: A. Buchleitner (Freiburg, Germany); G.H. Gebreyesus (Accra, Ghana/ Addis Ababa, Ethiopia); Y. Gefen (Rehovot, Israel); A. Hassanali (Trieste, Italy); A.H. Kastberg (Nice, France); A. Kenfack (Berlin, Germany); T.C. Kofane (Yaounde', Cameroon); B. M'Passi Mabiala (Brazzaville, Congo); Y. Meir (Beer Sheva, Israel); T. Rasing (Nijmegen, the Netherlands); C. Tchawoua (Yaounde', Cameroon).