Scientific Calendar Event

One of the major challenges facing the water resources planning community is addressing and assessing the impact of the climate change and variability on the different component of the water cycle. The most influential component of the water cycle for resource management is precipitation, especially its extremes causing floods and droughts. The reliability of projection of precipitations (average, distribution, frequency, intensity) is still less than adequate and limits their usefulness to decision management of the water systems.
Aside from the issue of reliability of precipitation projections, which are usually obtained from global or regional climate models (GCM/RCM), there is also the need for estimates at resolutions sufficiently fine for simulating the water cycle at watershed and useful hydrological scales. 
Therefore there is always the need to bridge the resolution gap between the global or regional and the river basin scale. Moreover the hydrological model outputs are very sensitive to the GCM/RCM biases therefore often bias correction techniques have to be applied before the GCM/RCM output can be used to input the hydrological models.

The workshop is composed of  one week lectures and laboratory training followed by a second week of laboratory sessions.
Go to day
  • Monday, 27 April 2015
    • 08:15 - 17:30
      • 08:15 Registration and administrative issues (Finance office) 1h30' ( AGH in front of Kastler Lecture Hall )
      • 09:45 Welcome and Introduction 15'
      • 10:00 Hydrological Modeling Requirements for Water Resources Applications- Model Calibration and parameter Estimation Issues 45'
        Speaker: Soroosh Sorooshian (Un. of California, Irvine)
        Material: Slides
      • 10:45 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:15 Hydrological Modeling Requirements - Data Issues and potential for use of Satellite Observations 45'
        Speaker: Soroosh Sorooshian
        Material: Slides
      • 12:00 Forest and land cover change: Improving predictions of hydrologic response through advances in remote sensing 45'
        Speaker: Terri Hogue (Colorado School of Mines, USA)
        Material: Slides
      • 12:45 Lunch Break 1h45' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:30 CHyM Tutorial 1h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
        Speaker: Verdecchia, Mariotti, Coppola, Di Sante
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:00 CHyM Tutorial 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
        Speaker: Verdecchia, Mariotti, Coppola, Di Sante
  • Tuesday, 28 April 2015
    • 09:00 - 17:30
      • 09:00 Urbanization: Evaluating socio-hydrologic systems through integration of remote sensing, high-resolution modelling and regional water use data 45'
        Speaker: Terri Hogue
        Material: Slides
      • 09:45 Model Development I - From Data to Model Conceptualization of Hydrologic Processes 45'
        Speaker: Amir AghaKouchak (University of California, Irvine)
        Material: Slides
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Model Development II - Model Components (Snowmelt, Soil Moisture, Evapotranspiration, Effective Precipitation etc.), Reservoir Concept, and Runoff Response 45'
        Speaker: Amir AghaKouchak
        Material: Slides
      • 11:45 Response of the hydrological cycle to the global warming 45'
        Speaker: Filippo Giorgi (ICTP)
        Material: Slides
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Hydrologic Modeling Practice 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
        Speaker: Amir AghaKouchak
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:00 Hydrologic Modeling Practice 1h30'
        Speaker: Amir AghaKouchak
  • Wednesday, 29 April 2015
    • 09:00 - 18:00
      • 09:00 Addressing climate extremes: theoretical and modeling approaches" 45'
        Speaker: Martin Beniston (Un. of Geneva)
        Material: Slides
      • 09:45 Examples of shifting frequencies and/or intensities of extreme events, from the past into the future" 45'
        Speaker: Martin Beniston
      • 10:30 Group Photo - Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Climate Change Adaptation I: Getting Prepared for an Uncertain Future 45'
        Speaker: Kaveh Madani (Imperial College London)
        Material: Slides
      • 11:45 Climate Change Adaptation II: Exploring Options 45'
        Speaker: Kaveh Madani
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture 45'
        Speaker: Bob Z. Su (Un. of Twente)
        Material: Slides
      • 14:45 Satellite Mapping of Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production and Land Fallowing 45'
        Speaker: Forrest Melton (California State Un., Monterey Bay)
        Material: Slides
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:00 time to move to Leonardo Building 30' ( AGH (Kastler Lecture Hall) )
      • 16:30 ICTP COLLOQUIUM - Challenges and Limitations of Hydroclimatological Forecasting for Water Resources Management and Future Prospects 1h30' ( Leonardo Building - Budinich Lecture Hall )
        Speaker: Prof. Soroosh Sorooshian (University of California, Irvine, USA)
        Material: abstract
  • Thursday, 30 April 2015
    • 09:00 - 21:00
      • 09:00 Scaling issues in hydrology and hydrological modeling 45'
        Speaker: Ralf Ludwig (Maximilians Un. Munich)
        Material: Slides
      • 09:45 Processing of climate model data for hydrological applications 45'
        Speaker: Ralf Ludwig
        Material: Slides
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Hydroclimate modeling at ICTP 40'
        Speaker: Erika Coppola (ICTP)
        Material: Slides
      • 11:40 CHyM model around the world 20'
        Speaker: Laura Mariotti (ICTP)
        Material: Slides
      • 12:00 CHyM model for flood alert mapping 45'
        Speaker: Marco Verdecchia (Un. of L'Aquila)
        Material: Slides
      • 12:45 Lunch Break 1h15' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Drought Monitoring and Assessment 45'
        Speaker: Bob Z. Su (Un. of Twente)
        Material: Slides
      • 14:45 Integration of Satellite and Surface Observations to Support Improvements in Irrigation Management 45'
        Speaker: Forrest Melton
        Material: Slides
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:00 Project discussion 2h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 18:00 Poster Session 1h0' ( Kastler Hall area )
      • 19:00 Reception dinner 2h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Cafeteria )
  • Friday, 1 May 2015
    • 09:00 - 18:00
      • 09:00 Statistical Bias Correction of hydrological forcing fields from GCMs:basic concepts 1h30'
        Speaker: Claudio Piani (American Un. of Paris)
        Material: Slides
      • 10:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Panel discussion: The presence of women scientists in hydroclimatology 1h30'
        Speaker: Erika Coppola, Soroosh Sorooshian, Terrie Hogue
      • 12:30 Lunch Break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 15:30 Coffee Break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 2h0'
  • Monday, 4 May 2015
    • 09:00 - 18:00
      • 09:30 Post-Processing Tools 1h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
        Speaker: Graziano Giuliani (ICTP)
      • 10:30 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 2h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:30 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
  • Tuesday, 5 May 2015
    • 09:00 - 18:00
      • 09:30 Laboratory Session - Grads Tutorial 1h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
        Speaker: Laura Mariotti (ICTP)
      • 10:30 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 2h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:30 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
  • Wednesday, 6 May 2015
    • 09:30 - 18:00
      • 09:30 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 10:30 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 2h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:30 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
  • Thursday, 7 May 2015
    • 09:30 - 18:00
      • 09:30 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 10:30 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 14:00 Laboratory Session: Project work 2h0' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
      • 16:00 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 16:30 Laboratory Session: Project work 1h30' ( Adriatico Guest House - Informatics Laboratory )
  • Friday, 8 May 2015
    • 09:30 - 13:30
      • 10:00 Participants' presentations 1h0'
      • 11:00 Coffee break 30' ( AGH cafeteria )
      • 11:30 Participants' presentations and Closing 1h30'