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Quantum Espresso Hack Session[15]: Ab initio J coupling


Location: ICTP
Address: Via Grignano, 9 34151 - Trieste (Italy)
Room: Adriatico Guest House (Lundqvist Lecture Hall)
Date: 17 Dec 09:00 - 12:30

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 1 contribution out of 1
Presented by S.M. DE GIRONCOLI, P.GIANNOZZI, E.KUCUKBENLI, L.MARTIN-SAMOS on 17/12/2013 at 9:00
Building timetable...


S. de Gironcoli (SISSA/DEMOCRITOS), P. Giannozzi (University of Udine), E. Kucukbenli (EPFL), L. Martin-Samos Colomer (University of Nova Gorica).
ICTP Local Organizer: I. Girotto