Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 12 May 2015
Ends 15 May 2015
Central European Time
LB (Budinich Lecture Hall)
Strada Costiera, 11 I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
TOPICS of the Workshop:

Expectations from data at low and high redshift;
Analytical methods for the clustering of Dark Matter and Baryons:
  from Perturbation Theory to the Halo Model;
(Semi)-Numerical methods for Galaxy Clustering and Voids;
(Semi)-Numerical methods for Reionization;
Challenges and opportunities from large-volume Observations;

The idea behind this Workshop is to bring together and foster discussion between groups that use similar analytical, numerical and statistical tools for the Large-Scale Structure but in different settings which together span multiple cosmological epochs.
The Workshop sessions will be structured around specific cosmological applications involving large galaxy surveys, epoch of reionization, Lyman alpha forest, HI intensity mapping, voids, the role of baryonic physics in cosmology, etc. In keeping with the over-arching theme, we also plan to have several review level talks aimed at a broad audience and focusing on the tools themselves (including the halo model and excursion set formalism, numerical simulations, semi-analytic techniques for galaxy evolution and 21cm, statistical methods for large volume surveys, etc).

The Workshop will be followed by the First ICTP Advanced School on Cosmology (

A. Mesinger (SNS, Pisa)
A. Paranjape (IUCAA, Pune)
E. Sefusatti (INAF - Brera, Milan)

J. Aguirre (UPenn, Philadelphia)
R. Angulo (CEFCA, Teruel)
C. Baugh (ICC, Durham)
M. Dijkstra (ITA, Oslo)
A. Ferrara (SNS, Pisa)
L. Guzzo (INAF - Brera, Milan)
L. Koopmans (KAI, Groningen)
I. McGreer (UA, Tucsan)
J. Miralda-Escudé (ICREA/U. Barcelona)
M. Ouchi (IPMU, Tokyo)
L. Pentericci (INAF, OA Roma)
A. Refregier (ETH, Zurich)
M. Dos Santos (UWC, Cape Town)
R. Sheth (UPenn & ICTP)
T. Theuns (ICC, Durham)
F. Van den Bosch (Yale)
M. Viel (INAF - Trieste)
S. Zaroubi (KAI, Groningen)

J. Adamek (Geneva, Switzerland)
P. Behroozi (Baltimore, USA)
J. Bolton (Nottingham, UK)
C. Carbone (Milano, Italy)
T. Choudhury (Pune, India)
M. Crocce (Barcelona, Spain)
B. Greig  (SNS, Pisa)
O. Hahn (Zurich, Switzerland)
J. Jasche (Bonn, Germany)
J. Koda (Milano, Italy)
A. Liu (Berkeley, USA)
I. Mohammed (Zurich, Switzerland)
S. Nadathur (Helsinki, Finland)
M. Neyrinck (Baltimore, USA)
P. Sutter (Ohio, USA)
C. Wagner (Garching, Germany) * (tbc)
J. Yoo (Zurich, Switzerland)

* to be confirmed
