3rd Workshop on Cloud Organisation and Precipitation Extremes - WCO3 | (smr 3870)
Starts 4 Sep 2023
Ends 8 Sep 2023
Central European Time
Kastler Lecture Hall (AGH)
Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta, Grignano
I - 34151 Trieste (Italy)
An ICTP Hybrid Meeting
Organized convective systems are often responsible for high impact precipitation extremes, and changes in convective organization have the potential to amplify or dampen future climate change. This workshop will examine our present knowledge of convective organization in models and observations.
Convective organization is of special relevance to both weather and climate. Despite representing only 20% of cloud systems, mesoscale organised convective systems have been shown to provide over 80% of surface precipitation in the West Africa monsoon. Convective organised systems are also frequently associated with precipitation extremes.
Changes in convective organisation and clustering in future may represent a feedback on climate that is poorly represented, or even absent, in current generation models. Present efforts to improve our understanding include observational studies, highly idealized models, limited-area convective permitting models, and global models which use parameterizations or are operating at convective permitting resolutions in state-of-the-art projects such as Nextgems.
Following on from the 2nd cloud organisation workshop (WCO2) that took place in Utrecht in 2022, this workshop aims to bring together all these tools to assess our present understanding of convective organization.
Convective self-aggregation in idealized experiments
Precipitation extremes associated with organized convection
Using idealized models to improve our understanding of aggregation
How can we better use observations?
Impact of aggregation and organization changing on climate sensitivity
Aggregation in global cloud resolving model experiments
S. BONY, Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique (LMD), France
A. FINK, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) , Germany
I. KOREN, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
K. NUNEZ OCASIO, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
J. RADTKE, University of Hamburg/MPI-M, Germany
A. SEMIE, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
P. SIEBESMA, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
A. STIRLING, Met Office, UK
J. WINDMILLER, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
Call for Contributed Abstracts: All applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation and/or a contributed talk. Abstract templates are available below for download.
Program: All participants are encouraged to contribute by either a poster or a talk (approximately 15 min + discussion). These contributions will be broadly grouped into the themes by the program organisers. Please indicate when applying your preference for a poster or oral presentation if you have one.
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
Information: Some information regarding the ICTP campus can be found here and transportation here.
The workshop dinner: A group buffet style dinner will be held on the Wednesday evening during the event. We hope you will all join and enjoy the Trieste weather by the sea.
WWF activities: some information can be found in the Material section below.
This workshop has received support from The Branco Weiss Fellowship - Society in Science, administered by ETH Zürich.
The deadline for applicants requesting financial and/or visa support is 29 May 2023; the deadline for all other applicants is 12 June 2023.
Steven BOEING (University of Leeds), Leif DENBY (Danish Meteorological Institute), Franziska GLASSMEIER (TU DELFT), Jan Olaf Mirko HÄRTER (NBI/ Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research/Jacobs University Bremen), Benjamin HERNANDEZ (TU DELFT), Irene Livia KRUSE (NBI/ Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research), Local Organiser: Adrian Tompkins (ICTP)
Steven BOEING (University of Leeds), Leif DENBY (Danish Meteorological Institute), Franziska GLASSMEIER (TU DELFT), Jan Olaf Mirko HÄRTER (NBI/ Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research/Jacobs University Bremen), Benjamin HERNANDEZ (TU DELFT), Irene Livia KRUSE (NBI/ Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research), Local Organiser: Adrian Tompkins (ICTP)