Scientific Calendar Event

Starts 4 Apr 2023 11:00
Ends 4 Apr 2023 12:00
Central European Time
Hybrid Seminar
room 138, SISSA (via Bonomea 265) + via Zoom

Patrizia Vignolo

Understanding the effect of correlations in interacting many-body systems is one of the main challenges in quantum mechanics. While the general problem can only be addressed by approximate methods and numerical simulations, in some limiting cases it is amenable to exact solutions. In this talk I will present a family of exact solutions which allows to obtain the many-body wavefunction of strongly correlated quantum fluids confined by a tight waveguide and subjected to any form of longitudinal confinement. It directly describes the experiments with trapped ultracold atoms where the strongly correlated regime in one dimension has been achieved. The exact solution applies to bosons, fermions and mixtures. In particular I will discuss (i) the role of symmetries and the possibility to obtain an exact solution even for systems in which the SU(k) symmetry is broken; (ii) the interplay between a hard wall trapping potential and correlations; and (iii) the spin mixing dynamics in a fermionic mixture confined in a harmonic potential.
Patrizia Vignolo (Nice)