Scientific Calendar Event

Physics Without Frontiers (PWF) is pleased to announce the Synchrotron Physics and X-ray Imaging Techniques Roadshow in Zimbabwe.

Africa is the only continent without a synchrotron light source. The African Light Source (AfLS) initiative is working towards the realization of a synchrotron on the African continent. We have organized full day workshops on synchrotron physics, materials science with radioactive isotopes at ISOLDE – CERN, computed tomography, diffraction contrast tomography, ptychography and the applications of x-ray imaging techniques in materials science, geosciences, anatomical sciences, and palaeontology. The seminars will be held in October 2023, as follows:

Apply here:
Deadline 27th October 2023


Wednesday 18 October 2023: Harare Institute of Technology, Harare

Friday 20 October 2023: University of Zimbabwe, Harare

Monday 23 October 2023: Chinhoyi University of Technology, Chinhoyi

Wednesday 25 October 2023: Midlands State University, Gweru

Friday 27 October 2023: National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo

Our main goal is to increase awareness and provide some basic notions to undergraduate and postgraduate students in Zimbabwe on synchrotrons and their science applications. Additionally, we have submitted a proposal to the AfLS so that we can host the 2024 in-person African Light Source Conference in Zimbabwe. In this case, the series of seminars at the universities provides a build up towards this event and we plan for students to attend for free.

Certificate: Students who register and attend the full seminar will receive an ICTP-PWF certificate.

Kudakwashe Jakata (The Diamond Light Source, UK)
Hilary Masenda (School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand)
Gideon Chinamatira (Evolutionary Studies Institute and School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand)

Seminar Speakers from ISOLDE:
  • Wed 18 Oct: Frank Browne
  • Fri 20 Oct: Michael Pesek
  • Mon 23 Oct: Patrick MacGregor
  • Wed 25 Oct: Michael Pesek
  • Fri 27 Oct: Mark Bissell

Contact Person at each Institution:

Chinhoyi University of Technology: Dr C. Sumanya
Harare Institute of Technology: Dr C. Zizhou
Midlands State University: Dr C. Nyamhere and Mr H. Mafukidze
National University of Science and Technology:  Prof G. Nyambuya and Mr R.T. Mashingaidze
University of Zimbabwe: Dr E. Matandirotya and Prof E. Mashonjowa

Go to day
  • Wednesday, 18 October 2023
    • 09:00 - 16:30 Timetable for 18th, 20th, 23rd, 25th and 27th October
      Please note that the timetable below is the same for all dates and venues of the roadshow. 
      • 09:00 Welcome and opening 15'
      • 09:15 Introduction to Synchrotrons 30'
        Speaker: K. Jakata (Diamond Light Source)
      • 09:45 Beamline Instruments 30'
        Speaker: K. Jakata (Diamond Light Source)
      • 10:15 Tea Break 45'
      • 11:00 Introduction to ISOLDE/CERN (remote lecture) 30'
        Speaker: ISOLDE Team
      • 11:30 Materials Science with Radioactive Isotopes 45'
        Speaker: H. Masenda (University of the Witwatersrand)
      • 12:15 Lunch break 1h45'
      • 14:00 Computed Tomography Basics 20'
        Speaker: G. Chinamitra (University of the Witwatersrand)
      • 14:20 DCT, 3D-XRD, Ptychography and CDI 20'
        Speaker: K. Jakata
      • 14:40 Applications of X-Ray CT 30'
        Speaker: G. Chinamitra and K. Jakata (University of the Witwatersrand and Diamond Light Source)
      • 15:10 Tea break 30'
      • 15:40 LAAMP Visit to the ESRF 20'
        Speaker: G. Chinamitra
      • 16:00 Discussions and Synchrotron Carrers 30'
        Speaker: H. Masenda, G. Chinamitra and K. Jakata (University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand and Diamond Light Source)