Scientific Calendar Event

An ICTP-IAEA Hybrid Meeting
This workshop will introduce the influence of ionization radiation from encapsulated radionuclides on waste forms and different modelling approaches for assessing safety under storage or disposal conditions.  
Nuclear energy is a reliable solution to a finite energy supply from fossil fuels. All Member States (MSs) that benefit from the peaceful uses of nuclear energy have some amounts of radioactive waste to manage in a way that it does not present a burden to future generations.
To identify the preferred approach, a safety case is constructed that includes the assessment of the long-term impact of the various waste management and/or remediation options over a defined lifetime. Ionizing radiation, that arises from radionuclide decay will interact with waste form materials, resulting in radiolysis, collision cascades, defects, dislocations and phase separation that could influence the long-term stability and integrity of the waste form and its ability to isolate radionuclides from the environment. 
Computer codes modelling the influence of ionizing radiation as part of degradation modelling of waste forms and waste packages,  are developed and understood only by a few researchers in this field. Unfortunately, the use of such codes in limited due to the lack of suitably trained scientists and engineers, national resource and lack of knowledge on the subject matter. 
IAEA is partnering with International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) to deliver a workshop to teach the modelling of ionizing radiation (that arises from radionuclide decay) on the properties of a waste form and use this information to design long-term storage facilities and management procedures.

C. Cockrell, Queen Mary University, UK
M. Lang, University of Tennessee, USA
W. Meyer, IAEA-Vienna, Austria
M. Ojovan, Imperial College, UK
H. Peng, Lanzhou University-China
J. Provis, Paul Scherrer Institute-Switzerland
M. J.  Sassi, PNNL-USA
J. Van Rooyen, North-West University, USA
  • Basics of interaction of ionizing radiation with cementitious, vitrified and ceramic waste forms;
  • Role of absorbed dose and dose rate of radiation;
  • Principles of radiation shielding, dose and dose rate calculations;
  • Data on G-values for waste form, waste packages and shielding materials;
  • Introduction to the transport of ionising radiation;
  • Practical exercises using Mathcad method to calculate dose rates and decay heat;
  • Practical exercises using MCNP_Source_App codes to model shielding calculations;
  • ​Practical exercises calculating (Nuclide, Activity) inventories in radioactive waste, using the codes ORIGEN, ORIGAMI and FISPACT.

Requirements for interactive practical sessions: Basic knowledge of the theory of degradation of waste forms is recommended. Personal laptop computer would be required.
Research abstract: Applicants are required to submit a research abstract for a poster. Please use the ICTP templates that are available below for download.

Additional information:
1. Personal laptop computers required by participants. 
2. Knowledge of performing modelling on laptop computers will be considered during selection.
3. Virtual attendance if for limited sessions.
Grants: A limited number of grants are available to support the attendance of selected participants, with priority given to participants from developing countries. There is no registration fee.
Go to day
  • Monday, 26 February 2024
    • 08:30 - 09:00 Registration formalities
    • 09:00 - 17:15 Background theory
      • 09:00 Opening & welcome Presentation -Background of ICTP 20'
        Speaker: Nicola Seriani (ICTP, Italy)
        Material: Video
      • 09:20 Introduction of lecturers
        Administrative guidelines
        Completion of questionnaire
        Presentation: why modelling ionization radiation in waste forms ?
        Speaker: Willie Meyer (IAEA, Austria)
      • 09:40 Fundamental Waste Form Science 40'
        Speaker: Maik Lang (University of Tennessee, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 10:20 Coffee break 20'
      • 10:40 Detriment of exposure to ionising radiation — radiation risk 30'
        Speaker: Maik Lang (University of Tennessee, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 11:10 Interactions of Ionising Radiation: Use of G value tables for modelling 50'
        Speaker: Willie Meyer (IAEA, Austria)
        Material: Video
      • 12:00 Interactions of Ionising Radiation with water (radiolysis) 50'
        Speaker: Michael Ojovan (Imperial College, UK)
        Material: Video
      • 13:00 Lunch 1h0'
      • 14:05 Modelling interactions of Ionising Radiation with crystalline material 1h0'
        Speaker: Cillian Cockrell (Queen Mary University, UK), Oliver Dicks (Queen Mary University, UK)
        Material: Video
      • 15:05 Interactions of Ionising Radiation glass structure 30'
        Speaker: Haibo Peng (Lanzhou University, China)
        Material: Video
      • 15:35 Coffee break & Group photo for participants online and 'in person' 15'
      • 15:50 The modelling of transmutation events in HLW 1h25'
        Speaker: Michel J. Sassi (PNNL-USA)
  • Tuesday, 27 February 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:05 Radiation modelling using SRIM/TRIM codes
      • 09:00 Introduction to irradiation effects, simulating damage profiles and quantifying radiation effects and amorphous phase fractions using SRIM/TRIM and AMORPH 1h40'
        Speaker: Maik Lang (University of Tennessee, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 10:40 Coffee break 15'
      • 10:55 Model the transport of charged ions in matter using code SRIM/TRIM 1h45' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )
        (Calculate damage cascade profiles or dpa for low energy ion irradiations)
        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Maik Lang (University of Tennessee, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 12:45 Lunch 1h5'
        Please prepare the posters during the lunch
      • 13:50 Model the transport of charged ions in matter using code SRIM/TRIM 40' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )
        (Electronic energy loss versus penetration depth (or versus energy) curves)
        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Maik Lang (University of Tennessee, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 14:35 Introduction to ESTAR, PSTAR and ASTAR as simplified versions of SRIM
        Practical use of computer codes “amorph” to simulate X-ray diffraction patterns of practically amorphous materials where irradiation lead to amorphization
        35' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Maik Lang (University of Tennessee, USA)
        Material: Video
      • 15:10 Coffee break 20'
      • 15:30 Simulation of the radiation effects on the borosilicate glass ceramic wasteforms for high-level waste immobilization 30'
        Contributed talk
        Speaker: Ritu Kumari Pilania (Central University of Gujarat, India)
        Material: Video
      • 16:00 Irradiation effects in Phosphate based matrixes 30'
        Contributed talk
        Speaker: Rumu Halder Banerjee (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India)
        Material: Video
      • 16:30 Simplest method to derive decay factor of radionuclide 30'
        Contributed talk
        Speaker: Desai Ramesh Jayantilal (MCF (Shreeji Medical Cyclotron Facility), India)
    • 18:15 - 19:15 Welcome reception
      Location: Adriatico Guest House Cafeteria
  • Wednesday, 28 February 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00 Radiation modelling using ORIGEN AND ORIGAMI codes
      • 09:00 Interactions of Ionising Radiation interactions with cement waste form or concrete container 30'
        Speaker: John Provis (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
        Material: Video
      • 09:30 Introduction to radiation transport and shielding of ionising radiation 20'
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 09:50 Overview of the ORIGEN and ORIGAMI codes in SCALE-6.2 and 6.3 50'
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
      • 10:40 Coffee break 15'
      • 10:55 Demonstration of the calculation of (Nuclide,Activity) (N_i;A_i (t)) inventories in radioactive waste, using the codes ORIGEN, ORIGAMI and FISPACT-II. Translating (N_i;A_i (t)) inventories to radiation emission source terms using ORIGEN and MCNP-SOURCE-APP 1h50' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )
        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 12:45 Lunch & Poster session 1h5'
      • 13:50 Demonstration of the modelling of chemical processing that feeds the production of radioactive waste, using the codes ORIGEN and FISPACT-II.
        Case studies:
        (1) Solid residue from irradiated target-plates for (n,f) (_^99)Mo production;
        (2) LILW-SL liquid radioactive waste produced in the production of (n,f) (_^99)Mo.
        1h10' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 15:00 Coffee break 20'
      • 15:25 From the “Age of Equations” to the “Age of Simulations”.
        Introduction to the radiation transport code MCNP6.2 and the development of calculation models for simulations.
        Conceptual mapping of the terms in the Boltzmann transport equation to an MCNP calculation model.
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
      • 16:30 Enhanced radiation resistance of nano-crystalline zirconolite 30'
        Contributed talk
        Speaker: Merry Gupta (Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), India)
        Material: Video
  • Thursday, 29 February 2024
    • 09:00 - 17:00 Radiation modelling using MCNP_SOURCE_APP codes
      • 09:00 Given a (Nuclide,Activity) (N_i;A_i (t)) inventory, calculate radiation emission source terms using (1) the utility code MCNP_SOURCE_APP as well as SCALE ORIGEN 50' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )
        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 09:50 Development and execution of MCNP calculation models
        Case study 1: Dose rate calculation for radioactive waste — point source
        50' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
      • 10:40 Coffee break 15'
      • 10:55 Development and execution of MCNP calculation models
        Case study 2: Dose rate calculation for radioactive waste. Point source — volume sources

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 11:30 Development and execution of MCNP calculation models
        Case study 3: Concrete drum filled with a simple radionuclide content. Calculation of required wall thickness of the concrete

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 12:45 Lunch & Poster session 1h5'
      • 13:50 Development and execution of MCNP calculation models
        Case study 4: Hematite or barites concrete drum filled with cemented liquid radioactive waste from (n,f) (_^99)Mo production. Calculation of the contact dose rate and Transport Index (TI) after a selection of decay times
        40' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
      • 14:30 Calculations in support of the isotopic characterisation of irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies from research reactors and power reactors.
        ORIGAMI →EXCEL→ MCNP. Examples of spent fuel dose rate and cask evaluation calculations using the above toolchain
        30' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )

        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
      • 15:00 Coffee break 20'
      • 15:25 Modelling with MCNP: Charged particle interactions with glass, cement, ceramics and graphite. Calculation of dose-depth curves for α-particles, electrons, positrons and ionising photons. 1h5' ( LB_Info_Laboratory )
        Interactive session:  Tutorial based modelling exercises in computer facility  LBLab (LB)
        Speaker: Johann van Rooyen (North West University, South Africa)
        Material: Video
      • 16:30 Defects in Pyrochlore structure for waste management 30'
        Contributed talk
        Speaker: Athira Kumari Usha Vijaya Raj (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India)
  • Friday, 1 March 2024
    • 09:00 - 12:00
      • 09:00 Enhancing Radioactive WASTE management through Precision Reactor Core Lifetime Estimations 30'
        Contributed talk online
        Speaker: Dennis Solomon Balami (University of Maiduguri, Nigeria)
        Material: Video
      • 09:30 Plasma utilization for reactor waste treatment 30'
        Contributed talk
        Speaker: Youmma Ghoneim (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Federation)
        Material: Video
      • 10:00 NORM Industries wastes modelling with Monte Carl Gean14 Summation 30'
        Speaker: Asmae ETTOUFI (Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco)
      • 10:40 Coffee break 15'
      • 11:00 Review of school/workshop 30'
        Speaker: Willie Meyer (IAEA, Austria)
        Material: Video
      • 11:30 Poster Awards to winners, concluding session 30'
        Speaker: Nicola Seriani (ICTP, Italy)